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Member Since: 17 Sep 2013
Location: hampshire
Posts: 35

England 2009 Range Rover Sport TDV6 HSE Santorini Black

HI JDGeary1 they have had my car in for nearly a month now and last week they told me they have spoken to the LR tech side and theyve come up with the answer renew the fuel pump ???.Apparently they have been test driving it all week put 500 miles on it and still want to keep it till next week to put some more miles to really test it -Why that much ?
this has been going on since mid august and they have spoke to the tech team every time it got towed back in so why did they not have the pump changed from the start.at a cost of 1k they reckon.
but reading your car problems youve already had the pump done with no result.
they tell me I can have the car back after the weekend but Im now thinking for how long will it last.
personally we dont even want the car and our money back would be a better option
Did they not give you a car while your car was in their garage ?

Post #399808 Fri Oct 25 2013 4:17pm
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Member Since: 11 Dec 2012
Location: Berkshire
Posts: 41

2006 Range Rover Sport TDV6 HSE Sumatra Black

Hi, it wasn't the garage where the car's at fault, I purchased it from a dealer who did F all about the car, nor lend me a car. Rover Tune bent over backwards for me to get the car sorted out and also lent me a car for 4 months.

I went out and bought another in the interim because I got fed up with the dealer.

I had both low and high pressure fuels pumps replaced on mine, neither solved the problem.

Speak to another dealer today, they have two cars in with the same issue and apparently one is having a complete new engine installed at the expense of land Rover. Once mine is in with a dealership and if they cannot fix it, I shall be attacking Land Rover directly with the expense of getting mine dealt with one way or another, if they cannot find and fix their own cars.

I am hoping that its something they can find, if not, then whatever happens I shall be rattling some cages to get it solved.

Post #399812 Fri Oct 25 2013 4:58pm
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Member Since: 17 Sep 2013
Location: hampshire
Posts: 35

England 2009 Range Rover Sport TDV6 HSE Santorini Black

I really dont know what to do if this happens again, the sales team has already been on to me to see if I want to chop it in against a new one but to be homest I dont really want to chuck any more money range rovers way I thought buying a four year old model would last me many years not just six months. it seems we both have the same problem with our cars and the tech team have obviously looked into them so why are they so sure that a new pump is going to sort it out when that remedy have failed on others ? shall we all gang up on them and demand a new engine each LOL
Just another thought - A neighbour of one of my customers had the same probs in his land rover as us with limp modes every time he went out he actually had the whole body lifted off to renew the turbo. the reason they went that far to do it cause he told them unless they sort it he will not be buying the new RRS he ordered for his wife -Job done straight away

Post #399819 Fri Oct 25 2013 6:44pm
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Member Since: 17 Sep 2013
Location: hampshire
Posts: 35

England 2009 Range Rover Sport TDV6 HSE Santorini Black

Got my car back on Friday evening with a new high pressure fuel pump fitted and so far its been fine. Garage test drove it and put 500 miles on it from the time they fitted it so hopefully they they have sorted it.
all Ive got to do now is sort out the Censored who ripped me off for �240:00 for allegelly putting a scratch on the bumber of their hire car

Post #400955 Sun Nov 03 2013 9:50am
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Member Since: 17 Sep 2013
Location: hampshire
Posts: 35

England 2009 Range Rover Sport TDV6 HSE Santorini Black

[quote="jdgeary1"]Hi, it wasn't the garage where the car's at fault, I purchased it from a dealer who did F all about the car, nor lend me a car. Rover Tune bent over backwards for me to get the car sorted out and also lent me a car for 4 months.

I went out and bought another in the interim because I got fed up with the dealer.

I had both low and high pressure fuels pumps replaced on mine, neither solved the problem.

Speak to another dealer today, they have two cars in with the same issue and apparently one is having a complete new engine installed at the expense of land Rover. Once mine is in with a dealership and if they cannot fix it, I shall be attacking Land Rover directly with the expense of getting mine dealt with one way or another, if they cannot find and fix their own cars.

I am hoping that its something they can find, if not, then whatever happens I shall be rattling some cages to get it solved.

Hi jdgeary1 Have you got your RRS sorted yet ? Ive had mine back about two weeks now and at the moment its going ok.just a question if you dont mind. when they fitted the high pressure pump on yours did it break down straight away or some time after ?

Post #401984 Wed Nov 13 2013 9:09pm
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Member Since: 11 Dec 2012
Location: Berkshire
Posts: 41

2006 Range Rover Sport TDV6 HSE Sumatra Black

Pretty much straight away it failed, was yours just the high pressure fuel pump replacement?

Mine is now at Land Rover Guildford, as it seems that unless the vehicle is in with a main dealer, I cannot take the issue any further, to land rover technical support.

Post #402435 Sat Nov 16 2013 6:19pm
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Member Since: 17 Sep 2013
Location: hampshire
Posts: 35

England 2009 Range Rover Sport TDV6 HSE Santorini Black

as far as I am aware the High pressure fuel pump was all they replaced.We have done a lot of miles in her since with no problems.They did tell me it cost them about �1400 for the parts

Post #402867 Tue Nov 19 2013 10:32pm
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Member Since: 17 Sep 2013
Location: hampshire
Posts: 35

England 2009 Range Rover Sport TDV6 HSE Santorini Black

Just been told that that the �240:00 taken off my card for alledgedly scratching the bumper of a hire car given to me when my RRS broke down has now been put back after the lowlife manager of the well known car rental for that area admitted that the scratches were already there.
He actually showed us the scratches on the night we picked it up and told us not to worry about them as hes aware of them.then when we took it back we got the blame for them
so beware, speaking to one of my cards investigation team its happening a lot lately

Post #405520 Mon Dec 09 2013 9:30pm
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Member Since: 20 Nov 2013
Location: Farnham
Posts: 274

United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Sport 3.0 TDV6 HSE Stornoway Grey

jdgeary1 wrote:
Pretty much straight away it failed, was yours just the high pressure fuel pump is now at Land Rover Guildford, as it seems that unless the vehicle is in with a main dealer, I cannot take the issue any further, to land rover technical support.

This is terrible and LR should be highly embarrassed. Reading this saga has made me wish I had just not exchanged my great Merc E320 CDI estate third one with no technical issues for first a 2012 Freelander XS SD4 which only had for 8 months during which time drove it down to Barcelona and was good. Unfortunately the boot was too small so PX it to a 2011 RR Sport with 21,000 miles on the clock from Hunters Guildford. If I had read this before my sale I would not have bought a RRS however nice they are to drive.

Please explain to me why as an active forum we do not have the clout to make LR take total responsibility for these issues.

Post #406294 Sun Dec 15 2013 9:18pm
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Member Since: 08 Mar 2011
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A handful of faults does not a problem make...nor is it a reason not to buy a car you want Mike

2014 Facelift Discovery

Post #406308 Sun Dec 15 2013 10:59pm
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Member Since: 20 Nov 2013
Location: Farnham
Posts: 274

United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Sport 3.0 TDV6 HSE Stornoway Grey

Not sure many prospective buyers would agree or those who pay good money and have problems would agree. Far better to have a very happy and satisfied customer base. I know the companies I have run would not have survived on this level of technical issues.

Post #406314 Mon Dec 16 2013 7:08am
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Member Since: 08 Mar 2011
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Im not sure that's the point.

firstly a few people with issues, doesn't make a problem

Secondly all cars have faults - ALL OF THEM

Thirdly its the dealers that you buy a car from, its them the issue is with (its usually them that cant fix or sort it) not Land Rover

Fourthly if you didn't buy something because you might get a broken one, then you wouldn't buy anything and nothing would need a warranty Thumbs Up Mike

2014 Facelift Discovery

Post #406366 Mon Dec 16 2013 5:05pm
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Member Since: 09 May 2010
Location: hertfordshire
Posts: 69

England 2005 Range Rover Sport TDV6 HSE Stornoway Grey

Im having the same trouble with mine. Fuel starvation under load.
Have changed fuel filter (no change) will be changing fuel rail in the next day or so.
Will keep you posted.
Was told probably fuel pump but best do these before Big expense.

Love my car but all issue's are common & expensive ones.

Suspension pump common Fault
Glow plugs Snapping common fault
Low fuel pressure Common fault
So many people having the same sort of problems.

Mate of mine with a 2011 rr sport with 40k on Turbo gone thanks very much .
3k bill.
Don't you just love range rover sports.

Post #406729 Thu Dec 19 2013 5:26pm
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Member Since: 20 Nov 2013
Location: Farnham
Posts: 274

United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Sport 3.0 TDV6 HSE Stornoway Grey

mse wrote:
Im not sure that's the point.

firstly a few people with issues, doesn't make a problem

Secondly all cars have faults - ALL OF THEM

Thirdly its the dealers that you buy a car from, its them the issue is with (its usually them that cant fix or sort it) not Land Rover

Fourthly if you didn't buy something because you might get a broken one, then you wouldn't buy anything and nothing would need a warranty Thumbs Up

Not sure if you have an association with Land Rover but I'm sorry I cannot agree with you. Not all manufacturers have as many common problems as this. The company is very lucky we like our RR Sports otherwise there would be a mass exodus. You just need a Japanese/Korean manufacturer building a serious 4x4 like the RR sport with the Korean reliability and they would have a world beater.

Post #406732 Thu Dec 19 2013 5:47pm
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Member Since: 08 Mar 2011
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All manufacturers do, ford, VW, BMW etc etc - they all do. take the last 4 land rovers in 5 years ive owned, none have had faults of any significance - except a roof on a defender which the dealer damaged - in the same period there are cars of those makes and Citroen, Vauxhall in the family with big faults. Look at Toyota with the brake and accelerator issues not to long back.

So I come back to, if everyone on here complained about their sport - that would not be a significant sample as there will be 90% more happy people with no issues.

Media perception (and actually how good some of those garages dealerships are at customer service) mean that the old bad press just lingers. Mike

2014 Facelift Discovery

Post #406738 Thu Dec 19 2013 6:20pm
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