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Member Since: 28 Apr 2018
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Sorry to hear - had a few of these and a few oil and filter changes under warranty - think 3 in the last year.

Once a week now, I drive the car at varying high speeds (within the legal limits) on a motorway and mileage seems to be reducing in a far more nornal way since the last scheduled service 1 Jun 20.

P MY16, 3.0D HSE Dynamic, Barola Black, TV, Rear Entertainment, Opening Pan Roof, Meridian

Post #600518 Fri Jun 19 2020 2:26pm
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Member Since: 25 Aug 2014
Location: Southampton
Posts: 409


I was thinking of doing the same by taking the car for a blast along the motorway over a weekend, but not sure how the DPF gets cleaned out it is just by running the car hot for a while it naturally burns off? I understand that the oil dil issue is the car trying to clean out the filters so there must be a sensor that tells it that it needs to be cleared.

So if its getting full/blocked does just driving it hard for a 30mins session have the desired effect of burning it off?

I still havent heard back from my dealer yet on how much an oil and filter change costs, mine had a full major service last year at 35K and its only got 39500 on it now so not really interested in wasting time on a full service when lets face it the most important part is changing the oil and filter.

I dont do many miles so giving is a long blast once a week or maybe every 2 would be a plan if it helps to burn the soot out of the DPF before the car tries to automatically do it?

Im sure there is a smarter person out there who could work out a formula of roughly how many miles driven vs stop starts it takes before the car thinks it need to force a DPF burn? Of is this info available using the obd port? so could always do a quick scan with the GAP tool at a weekend while giving it a clean?

I mean this does sound like a design flaw where LR should be responsible for doing and oil and filter change for free save maybe the cost of the filter? Or maybe just like a fixed cost of say £50. regardless of how old the car is.

Ive taken to disabling the eco start/stop function now (thinking of disabling entirely) as this can only speed up the process for auto regens and therefor the oil dilution If a jobs worth doing, get a someone who knows what they are doing to do it!

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Post #600522 Fri Jun 19 2020 2:46pm
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Member Since: 23 Apr 2016
Location: Firenze
Posts: 17


gtr_skyline wrote:
Sorry to hear - had a few of these and a few oil and filter changes under warranty - think 3 in the last year.

Once a week now, I drive the car at varying high speeds (within the legal limits) on a motorway and mileage seems to be reducing in a far more nornal way since the last scheduled service 1 Jun 20.


Every workaround has its reason to be.
And the reason why my RRS MY16.5 has this problem is clear and certified by a JLR communication (search the web).
In my personal point of view, it's unaccetable that a such level of a car needs workaround...
IMHO 2020 BMW X5 xDrive 30d
2014 Freelander HSE Lux

Post #600548 Fri Jun 19 2020 9:43pm
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Member Since: 21 Sep 2009
Location: Derbyshire
Posts: 125


[quote="pjbracer1"]I was thinking of doing the same by taking the car for a blast along the motorway over a weekend, but not sure how the DPF gets cleaned out it is just by running the car hot for a while it naturally burns off?

I have always thought that the filter starts to get blocked slowly following a regen and that high speed driving during that phase has no effect in that it's only when full that the system knows to auto regen.

Post #600559 Sat Jun 20 2020 7:56am
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