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Member Since: 31 May 2013
Location: Motherwell
Posts: 18

You can but choose carefully and if it's not got fsh they may blame this if you claim Confused

You can get lr warranty but they will charge for inspection if previous warranty expired and again fsh may be problem Sad

Fsh would be required by me Thumbs Up

your going to think im a complete idiot, but can you tell me what "FSH" means Embarassed

EDIT : never mind, i figured out it means full service history haha Embarassed Thanks,

Post #401270 Wed Nov 06 2013 1:40pm
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Milk Float Man

Member Since: 30 Jun 2010
Location: East Riding of Yorkshire
Posts: 5637


Land Rover Full Service History (LRFSH) is best especially if it comes down to goodwill contributions towards issues - Full Service History (FSH) is the least I would accept - these are not as robust vehicles as you would expect and costs can spiral Thumbs Up Wanted a Series 2 LR since childhood but previously owned MY16 Disco Sport HSE TD4 Auto, MY13 RR Sport Black Edition TDV6 Auto, MY10 RR Sport HSE TDV6 Auto, 2007 Freelander 1 Freestyle TD4 Soft Top, 2009 Freelander 2 GS TD4 Auto, 2007 Freelander 2 GS TD4, 2004 Disco 2 Metropolis Auto, 2002 Disco 2 GS, 2000 Freelander 1 SE TD4 SW

Still hoping for a S2 one day!

Post #401272 Wed Nov 06 2013 1:50pm
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Member Since: 12 Aug 2011
Location: Northamptonshire
Posts: 9035

United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Orkney Grey

As muddy says, warranty companies usually want evidence that the vehicle has been properly serviced and a full service history is the easiest (only?) way to show that it has.

There are some issues that can be dealt with by a competent DIYer e.g. anti-roll bar bushes, suspension arm bushes, but for most of us, it's work that's going to come with a garage bill attached. Warranties will cover many of these items (not all, sadly).

Major items that have been done to mine in the last couple of years:

New starter motor (twice)(both covered by warranty)
New alternator (covered by warranty)
New front anti-roll bar bushes (covered by warranty)
New rear dynamic anti-roll bar (that's £1200+ fitted by a LR garage by the way!)(covered by warranty)
New rear differential (being done today, all being well)(covered by warranty)
New thermostat housing (covered by warranty)
New front lower wishbones (not covered by the warranty sadly - considered to be wear and tear by LR's extended warranty)
New front wheel bearing (covered by the MOT warranty)
New CV boot (covered by the MOT warranty)

As you can see, without a warranty these things can be expensive toys! My current warranty is Land Rover's approved used vehicle warranty. Not sure who I'll go with next year when they no longer cover my vehicle (it'll be too old I think).

If you're thinking of buying a RRS, I'd really only recommend buying one from Land Rover (so you get at least 1 year's warranty) or, if it has to be privately, from someone who has a good chunk of LR warranty left on the vehicle. That way, if it meets the LR warranty age/mileage limits then you can just pay to keep the warranty going when it runs out.

The alternative is to buy a cheap example and put the rest of your budget in the bank for repairs - make sure it doesn't get spent on anything else though. You'll want to have a couple of grand in that repair fund "just in case". 2012 SDV6 - it's missing a couple of cylinders
2008 TDV8 - it was a labour of love and is much missed

Post #401273 Wed Nov 06 2013 2:09pm
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Member Since: 03 May 2012
Location: Liverpool, UK
Posts: 352

United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Sport TDV6 HSE Bonatti Grey

Might be worth remembering that not every single RRS will fall apart instantly and constantly costing thousands to fix, you'll hear more horror stories than fairy tale endings on here because people only moan when they are not happy. That goes for everything in live really though, not just cars. Current: 06 RR Sport HSE TDV6, Bonatti grey, black leather. Defender 90 pick up. Vito 110cdi

Previous: Mercedes CLS, BMW 330cd M sport, Nissan 200sx, Impreza STi, EP3 Civic Type R

Post #401275 Wed Nov 06 2013 2:15pm
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Member Since: 12 Aug 2011
Location: Northamptonshire
Posts: 9035

United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Orkney Grey

Quite so, forums do tend to attract people who are having problems. But lots of people on here haven't had problems. I haven't tended to be too vocal about my issues because they've been covered by warranty so I've not needed to try to sort them out myself. The ones who come looking for answers are often paying for the work and so need the cheapest option available.

Many people have RRS and have never had a problem other than the normal wear and tear issues. But there are also a lot around who have had a litany of issues. Buying a vehicle that might be a peach but could just as easily be rotten to the core and relying on luck seems a bit cavalier. Getting a suitable warranty reduces the fall out when something does go wrong. Getting a vehicle with a warranty limits your choices slightly. That's the nature of the deal.

As with all things retail - you pay your money and take your chance. But don't come back and moan about it if you take the cheaper option and get bitten hard in your wallet. That's my view, anyway. Cool

I would always offer the advice of a warranty to any prospective RRS buyer. Whether they listen is up to them. Thumbs Up 2012 SDV6 - it's missing a couple of cylinders
2008 TDV8 - it was a labour of love and is much missed

Post #401277 Wed Nov 06 2013 2:28pm
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Milk Float Man

Member Since: 30 Jun 2010
Location: East Riding of Yorkshire
Posts: 5637


I've owned 8 LRs in 13 years - 6 excellent/10 years then a RRS Lemon and now on my 2nd RRS and dealing with problems again so I have been moaning a bit in recent years Embarassed

3 years ago never worried about reliability but being on these forums since 2007 reading posts coupled with my recent experience I still love LRs but now recommend a bulging saving account or a good warranty - you could have years trouble free or a major issue so best to be prepared - selling a broken down RRS for peanuts because you can't afford to repair it is not worth the risk Sad Wanted a Series 2 LR since childhood but previously owned MY16 Disco Sport HSE TD4 Auto, MY13 RR Sport Black Edition TDV6 Auto, MY10 RR Sport HSE TDV6 Auto, 2007 Freelander 1 Freestyle TD4 Soft Top, 2009 Freelander 2 GS TD4 Auto, 2007 Freelander 2 GS TD4, 2004 Disco 2 Metropolis Auto, 2002 Disco 2 GS, 2000 Freelander 1 SE TD4 SW

Still hoping for a S2 one day!

Post #401278 Wed Nov 06 2013 2:29pm
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Member Since: 03 May 2012
Location: Liverpool, UK
Posts: 352

United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Sport TDV6 HSE Bonatti Grey

Moral of the story, buy sensibly Thumbs Up

My 2006 RRS on 115k miles would be deemed cheap in comparison to 20, 30, 40, £50k+ examples, yet theres plenty of people on here having a lot more trouble with their newer more expensive cars than I've had (I hope it stays that way Whistle ) so I can't fully agree with the comment regarding the cheaper option, I guess it depends what you class as cheap though. There are plenty of great 2005, 06, 07 car's out on the market at good prices and you are getting a hell of a car for the money, as long as you don't buy a dog, but if you should be able to get a good feel for the car as long as you check it over properly before hand. Current: 06 RR Sport HSE TDV6, Bonatti grey, black leather. Defender 90 pick up. Vito 110cdi

Previous: Mercedes CLS, BMW 330cd M sport, Nissan 200sx, Impreza STi, EP3 Civic Type R

Post #401280 Wed Nov 06 2013 2:52pm
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Member Since: 12 Aug 2011
Location: Northamptonshire
Posts: 9035

United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Orkney Grey

The problem is that lots of the issues don't show themselves until they actually go bang. Turbo failures, for example, or the failure of the belt tensioner mounting. Both of these are potentially engine killing events.

Various bushes etc. can be heard/felt when they are starting to fail - the most obvious being the ARB bushes thumping. Some, however, don't - I'm thinking lower wishbone bushes. Mine seemed to be fine and then suddenly wasn't. The same for leaking dynamic ARB. It wasn't until it was leaking properly on mine that it was obvious that there was a problem with.

Unless you have access to a ramp and can get under the thing and have a good hard long look at it all, you have to rely on things like service history. And even that doesn't always help. 2012 SDV6 - it's missing a couple of cylinders
2008 TDV8 - it was a labour of love and is much missed

Post #401301 Wed Nov 06 2013 4:57pm
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chris mc

Member Since: 03 Sep 2010
Location: Dundee
Posts: 950

Scotland 2011 Range Rover Sport TDV8 Autobiography Stornoway Grey

Is this for sale in Dundee by any chance?

Post #403587 Mon Nov 25 2013 4:44pm
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