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Tim in Scotland

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Bet you never dreamt you would get right to the top J! Well done.

Wouldn't it be interesting to see what cars MP's and their immediate family own or recieve as benefits from the makers and have the use of if they were forced to declare them in their list of members' interests..................................... I bet Phoney Tony didn't pay full price for his huge Chrysler MPV, and I wonder if it is exempted from Red Ken's Congestion Charge? 2020 Pangea Green 1st Edition D240 New Defender 110 is here and loving it
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Post #108787 Tue May 15 2007 8:01am
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Tim, I laughed when the press were stalking Gordon Brown outside his home in Scotland last week.
What came out with him in............a Disco!!


Do as I say not as I do.

Post #108788 Tue May 15 2007 8:05am
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Tim in Scotland

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My MP is one of the quieter Blair's Babes (except she ain't no babe) and she drives a brand new FFRR Vogue SE and has a new one every 2 years. She also gets them at a huge discount on a special car purchase scheme that MP's have access to. As far as I am aware she has never said anything against 4x4's though. Of course as a junior minister she also has a "company" Prius when she's in London 2020 Pangea Green 1st Edition D240 New Defender 110 is here and loving it
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Also in my garage is a 1996 TDi300 Defender 90 County HT made into a fake CSW

Post #108791 Tue May 15 2007 8:18am
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Member Since: 24 Dec 2005
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What a biased crap program. It's another typical examle of a journalist jumping on a band wagon to make money. A bit like the journalists who take themselves off to the artic tundra where they race around in poluting and damaging snow mobiles in the name of explaining climate change caused by humans. Well what about the damage they've just caused Exclamation

Interesting and proven facts:-
1) Every time a volcano erupts it produces the same amount of Co2 in one day that the UK produces in a year.
2) Co2 actually produces a cooling effect on the earth which is not what that program said last night. If it wasn't for the manmade Co2 in the earths atmosphere the world would be a lot warmer than it is now. That was proved by the USA stopping all aircraft flights after 9/11....temperatures in the USA rose significantly.
3) Historically all these climate effects have all occurred previously many before humans existed.

I work with a chap who is a climatologist/Enviromental scientist.

Prescott has at least 3 or 4 petrol Jag XJ's. TDV6 - gone
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Post #108795 Tue May 15 2007 9:05am
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did anybody noticed that John Sargent looks like a male Jo Brand Laughing Laughing

Post #108805 Tue May 15 2007 1:06pm
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maybee it was Jo Brand with a dick Shocked Shocked some of my Previous cars
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Post #108808 Tue May 15 2007 2:14pm
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Hi Josh,

we are all fed sensationalism and bull poo and the only way for a reaction is to incite one. If you send a rocket through the ozone layer with fuel burning at an alarming rate producing intense heat, does that heat not burn in a far wider circumference than the initial hole causing more damage?

But it is easier to feed a biased opinion to the nation through the television in the comfort of our own homes. Showing scenes that people perceive as true and situations pre organized to prove a point.

Don't forget that most people believe Coronation Street is real life Rolling Eyes

John some interesting correspondence and points Thumbs Up no regrets!

Post #108814 Tue May 15 2007 2:36pm
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Mr. A. Brady
**** ***

Dear Sir,

I am writing to display my disgust at the program �Driving Me Crazy� shown tonight on ITV 1. The program was horrendously biased against urban 4x4s.

My first point is about the quote �4x4s are too big for the roads�. At this point, three vehicles were being shown, a Land Rover Freelander, a Suzuki Vitara, and a Honda CRV. The Freelander is 4.368m long and 2.068m wide, Vitara 3.861m long and 1.709m wide, CRV 4.51m long and 1.75m wide. A Mondeo is 4.731m long and 1.812m wide. This is longer than all three of the 4x4s and wider than two of them.

My second point is about the spoof driving test in this program, where 4x4 drivers were asked to reverse around a corner. They failed for lightly touching the kerb. Put a driver in any car and tell them under pressure to reverse around a corner while being filmed and they are likely to make a very slight error.

Thirdly was a man who when driving his wife�s smaller car was more aware about what he was doing. Ask anyone to drive a car that they�re not used to and they will be more careful, irrespective to the size of the car. I would imagine that the mans wife would be more careful when driving her husbands 4x4 than driving her smaller car simply because she is not used to it.

Fourthly the presenter of the program, John Sergeant, states �the majority of 4x4s give about 17mpg less than a Mondeo�. I would be interested to know where he got this fact from. My family have owned three Mondeos, and our current vehicle, a Freelander Xedi gives approximately 5mpg more than our Mondeos.

The program then shows a 4x4 crashing at high speed into the side of another car. John Sergeant points out that the occupants of the 4x4 would be more likely to survive then the occupants of the car. This is a very valid point, and I am confused to why this would make anyone want to give up their 4x4? I might sound selfish, however I�d rather my family and I survived than the occupants of another car. There are also a lot bigger vehicles on the road that would be able to do a lot more damage than a 4x4. Should all lorries be banned in favour of canal boats because they�re safer?

John Sergeant then when test driving a 4x4 then points out people having a dislike to him on the road, simply for owning a 4x4. This is another valid point, people have jumped onto the bandwagon and dislike 4x4 drivers even though they�re not doing anything wrong. At the same time he claimed he �struggled to overtake a cyclist�. This was a left hand drive vehicle, and the roads in the UK are built for right hand drive vehicles. If he was in any left hand drive vehicle, a 4x4 or not, he would struggle overtaking.

One of the 4x4 drivers on the program says he owns his 4x4 because of the poor condition of roads in London. This is a very valid point, just half an hour earlier on ITV1 Trevor McDonald was talking about the poor state of roads in the capital. ITV1 has contradicted itself there hasn�t it?

With all respect to the 4x4 drivers in this program, they are not the most educated of people. I am sure if the program had featured some better educated 4x4 drivers in this program they would have argued some of the points in this letter. It was obvious the people with the least amount of knowledge were shown to argue the point for 4x4 drivers and the opposite for arguing the other side of this argument.

I hope you acknowledge the points in this letter and that this program was biased, and I shall be appalled if I ever see such a biased program on mainstream television again.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. A. Brady
 2002 Discovery Adventurer LE
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Post #108842 Tue May 15 2007 5:39pm
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Brian Mason

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Post #108843 Tue May 15 2007 5:42pm
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Post #108844 Tue May 15 2007 5:46pm
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Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Bow down Bow down Very Happy

i will be interested in the reply Thumbs Up no regrets!

Post #108845 Tue May 15 2007 5:51pm
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Tim in Scotland

Member Since: 30 May 2005
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2013 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Stornoway Grey

There is a similar sort of letter over on D3, but also requesting the chance to make a film more biased towards 4x4's and their owners. Well done Andy. 2020 Pangea Green 1st Edition D240 New Defender 110 is here and loving it
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Also in my garage is a 1996 TDi300 Defender 90 County HT made into a fake CSW

Last edited by Tim in Scotland on Wed May 16 2007 3:33pm. Edited 1 time in total

Post #108860 Tue May 15 2007 6:47pm
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Well done Andy Thumbs Up I hope you feel better after getting that off your chest.

I have to admit that I was totally disgusted by last nights program and switched off after about ten or fifteen minutes. I don't think I have ever watched such biased crap on a UK tv channel before in my life.

Lets be honest, who has ever had to reverse round a corner properly since the day they passed their driving test?

It was the subject of quite a few conversations on the production lines at work today.

One of the main topics was about the so called accident. Which if I understand the scenario properly, was supposed to represent a 4x4 vehicle traveling down a road at approximately 60mph when a "normal" family saloon pulled out of a side street at 30mph. Well I'm sorry but the guy driving the family saloon deserves to die because he's a prat !!! If he had followed the highway code and stopped at the junction instead of racing out of a side street he would have seen the 4x4 coming. Arctic Frost TDV6 SE. Aspen Leather, Cherry Wood, Privacy Glass, PTI, Tow Pack, Mudflaps, Tasmods, a new Fuelflap, a RRSport.co.uk umbrella in the boot & a RRSport.co.uk sticker on the rear glass.

Some people accuse me of thinking the world revolves around me, but I'm not stupid . . . I know it revolves around the sun. Which shines out of my @rse!!!

Post #108869 Tue May 15 2007 7:10pm
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Member Since: 09 Nov 2006
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TB wrote:
if I understand the scenario properly, was supposed to represent a 4x4 vehicle traveling down a road at approximately 60mph when a "normal" family saloon pulled out of a side street at 30mph. Well I'm sorry but the guy driving the family saloon deserves to die because he's a prat !!! If he had followed the highway code and stopped at the junction instead of racing out of a side street he would have seen the 4x4 coming.

They failed to mention things like right and wrong on the programme last night, just a load of verbal diarrhea

I had an accident many years ago i was driving a Maestro and a Fiesta pulled out in front of me from a side road, i was doing 30mph, trust me the Fiesta was completely totalled and the Maestro, the driver was very lucky to have only sustained a few broken bones and cuts and bruises, if i had been doing 60 then the chances are he would of died

Any car doing 60 in to the side of a small saloon car is going to do a lot of damage not just a 4x4:evil: Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad some of my Previous cars
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Post #108873 Tue May 15 2007 7:24pm
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Member Since: 03 Aug 2006
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A brilliant letter Andy, a man after my own heart.


Post #109134 Wed May 16 2007 3:18pm
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