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Member Since: 12 Nov 2009
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Reading glasses or Lens replacement surgery?

Been using reading glasses for presbyopia for a while now but getting totally Censored ed off at the amount of times I keep losing them or leaving them in the car ,jacket pocket or wherever and wondered if getting lens replacement surgery was an option? I know there are several types of lenses and surgery offered by the likes of Optical Express and Optimax but none seem to guarantee 100% that reading glasses can be binned once and for all,however on doing a bit of research it seems that light adjustable lenses can do that http://www.londoneyehospital.com/treatment...able-lens/ Wondered if anyone here has had this particular procedure done or for that matter any of the procedures offered by Optical Express etc and what their opinions were on it?

Post #491891 Sun Mar 27 2016 1:40pm
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Member Since: 02 Sep 2015
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Not sure if at all helpful, but I have had Laser surgery, Cataracts removed, and have Retinopathy.
After the jelly in eyes was replaced once, and new corrected lenses fitted, my vision was perfect for all distances except close up, which in fact became worse and required stronger lenses for reading.
My eyesight currently is tested frequently and is staying the same, I don't think they can guarantee both ends of vision perfect, I would seek specialist questions/answers from an NHS Eye Hospital first. Best of luck. Smile John

RRS MY12 SDV6 HSE. Sumatra Black/Ebony & Walnut + Dynamic Pack, + Cold Climate Pack + Memory Pack, Digital TV/DVD, Premium Leather, Cornering Lights, Cooler/Fridge Box, & most Options.

Post #491941 Sun Mar 27 2016 9:45pm
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Member Since: 20 Aug 2010
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A less risky option would be to fit a neck chain to your reading glasses. As popularized by Larry Grayson? Rolling Eyes

When I got laser surgery to correct my short sightedness the surgeon said that within 5 years I would probably need reading glasses. I am fortunate that my eyesight has remained 20:20 over the last 5 years and 9 months... L405 P400e Autobiography (MY2020)... Silicon Silver / Espresso
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Post #492122 Tue Mar 29 2016 6:26pm
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Member Since: 12 Nov 2009
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Thanks Guys I guess there is still no perfect solution yet and there will always be some compromises with the currently available procedures , technology is always coming up with new developments so maybe waiting a little while longer might be sensible Thumbs Up

Post #492129 Tue Mar 29 2016 7:30pm
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Member Since: 12 Aug 2011
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I'm struggling to see how a replacement lens can deal with the loss of accommodation as the eye ages. The lens needs to be flexible and connected to the eye's own mechanism for changing focus. The light adjusted lens is said to be set to overcome short or long sight and astigmatism. How it can also overcome the loss of accommodation is not obvious. I assume they shape the lens so that you look through different bits of the lens depending on how far away is the object being viewed. 2012 SDV6 - it's missing a couple of cylinders
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Post #492155 Tue Mar 29 2016 9:31pm
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Member Since: 02 Sep 2015
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It's difficult to explain, but if your interested, read the British Diabetic site, as eyes are a big problem for diabetics, and many need new lenses amongst other things. Your new lenses are made to your prescription, but as I stated earlier can't normally be done for both long and short sightedness. It can be like looking through a pin hole to see what's in focus before. Periferal vision is one of the reasons for these being changed, and laser treatment isn't enough for permanent results and a operation under local anaesthetic is done takes around average 30 minutes, it's very painful mainly due to the injections around the eye. Censored the fluid behind the lens can also be changed, this helps clear the vision as well and removes cataracts. This is just a very basic outline as said. Hope it assists. Smile John

RRS MY12 SDV6 HSE. Sumatra Black/Ebony & Walnut + Dynamic Pack, + Cold Climate Pack + Memory Pack, Digital TV/DVD, Premium Leather, Cornering Lights, Cooler/Fridge Box, & most Options.

Post #492158 Tue Mar 29 2016 9:47pm
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Member Since: 23 May 2012
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I too get pee'd off by having to wear glasses. Its the thing about advancing older age that annoys me the most. I'm quite good at not forgetting/losing glasses but that's because they are constantly perched on my head! I wander around with them resting on top of my head, like sunnies, lifting them up/down when I need to read something. Or if I leave them in my pocket, peer at things from a distance.

I got so fed up with them that I recently tried out contact lenses. Started with vari-focals, the idea being I could see both close and far. However, they are shockingly rubbish, certainly for me. Driving is a somewhat out of body experience as you can't focus on anything and at nighttime the glare from lights means you can't see much at all - dangerous. Reading wise, sometimes OK, sometimes not as it uses concentric rings and the lens float around your eyes a bit, so one minute clear reading, next total blur. Absolutely no good for me.

Next option was 1 for reading, 1 for distance. This works much better. The long range one goes in your dominant eye, the reading in the other. Its a bit odd to start with but your brain soon works it out. Still have a bit of issue judging distances when driving but a lot better, clearer than the vari-focal option. Its not totally great for computer work though, so if you spend a lot of time in front of a screen then glasses are still better. However, for day-day use its a lot more preferable than having to wander around with glasses all the time. I find doing DIY and odd jobs around the house a lot better.

Only other downside to lenses, at least from someone whose only been using them a couple of months, is getting them in/out of your eyes. Takes quite a bit of practice. So far I have lost one when taking it out, so spent the next 24 hrs worrying it was still in my eye someplace and a couple of days ago, dried my hands on a (clean) towel but must have picked up some lint as that has been stuck behind my eyelid after I removed the lens - totally irritating and so far impossible to get out.

Overall though, I'm happy with them but I don't use them every day.

Post #493050 Thu Apr 07 2016 1:08pm
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Member Since: 11 Oct 2011
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You only have one pair of eyes Wink
Me, personally (a long time - 36 years - glasses/contact lens wearer), I'll be getting my eyes lasered by the top guys at Moorfields in London when I pull the trigger on corrective surgery. It's pricey (£5k) for both eyes, but I know over 5 people who have had it done and never looked back.....pardon the pun. Embarassed

That said, I also know people who had it done by various other chain firms and had just as good results. For me just would want as little risk in the process as possible. Thumbs Up ON THE WAY: BMW F21 M140i
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Post #493063 Thu Apr 07 2016 2:46pm
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