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Big Chris

Member Since: 28 Jan 2018
Location: Lincolnshire
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United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Sport TDV6 HSE Siberian Silver
Sharp practice or deception

Hi all

I took my car to the trusted garage I use on a regular basis and had both front lower suspension arms replaced. I did this knowing that the car would need a wheel alignment which that particular garage couldn’t do and that I’d have to go elsewhere to get done.

I found a place not far from me and booked it in for the alignment. They asked I left it with them first thing and that they would call me to let me know when it was ready to collect. About mid afternoon I received a call from them advising that they couldn’t do the work as I was in need of further suspension repairs and also wheel and tire repairs before any alignment works could only be done. They told me it would be pointless to carry out the alignment in the first instance as it would need doing again after the further suspension repairs. Their quote for all the work was circa £2k.

I took my car back to my trusted garage and told them this information and they assured me that the work didn’t need doing and that if they thought it did they would have noticed and notified me prior to carrying anything out.

I have subsequently had my wheels aligned elsewhere and the car now runs fine, I have also been advised that my wheels and tires are road legal.

My question is whether the garage I initially took my car to for the wheel alignment were carrying out a sharp practice, which whilst not ethical is legal, or whether I should consider reporting them to trading standards?

I’ve subsequently noted from reading their reviews, which are generally excellent, that there are a few who have had similar experiences to me.

Any thoughts appreciated.

Post #634541 Tue Jul 25 2023 3:19pm
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Dave B

Member Since: 10 Oct 2019
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Definately contact Trading Standards, it's nothing short of attempted daylight robbery.

Dave 2010 3.6 TDV8 HSE (Gone)
2011 Discovery 4 Commercial SDV6 (Gone)
1980 OBLIC 4.0ltr Range Rover (went a long time ago)

Post #634542 Tue Jul 25 2023 3:59pm
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Member Since: 25 Mar 2017
Location: Paredes de Coura, Portugal
Posts: 410

Portugal 2005 Range Rover Sport TDV6 HSE Cairns Blue

You're asking for other people's thoughts and you'll probably get a few. If it's just our thoughts you want then fine, but my question to you is what do YOU want to do about it? How far do you want to go with this? What outcome do you want?

You have options open to you including: doing nothing; communicating your experience on various feedback websites and forums; going back there and confronting them; or forwarding everything to Trading Standards as you've mentioned.

If it were me? I'd want to know how they reached their original findings and give them an opportunity to explain it all. With the knowledge that everything is in order and legal I'd go back there with a mate (aka a witness) and ask the same individual who looked at it the first time to go through the work that they thinks needs doing and ask them to detail the reasons why. I'd get them to take photos or a video, or take the photos and video myself while they went through it. If they are adamant that the work still needs doing I'd ask to see the manager. I'd go through all the facts as now known and see what the manager's response is. At best they are mistaken. At worse they are trying to obtain money from you by deception which is a criminal offence - despite the police's usual attitude in these cases of it being a "civil matter". The manager's response (on behalf of his company) would determine my next move. That might be accepting an apology, reporting them to Trading Standards and / or communicating my experience of them on social media platforms and Trustpilot. The latter might save others from a bad experience. Barrie.
2017-Jan 2024: 2005 RRS 2.7TDV6. Best car I ever had - until now!
Current: 2018 Ford Ranger Wildtrak 3.2

Post #634547 Tue Jul 25 2023 4:28pm
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Big Chris

Member Since: 28 Jan 2018
Location: Lincolnshire
Posts: 6

United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Sport TDV6 HSE Siberian Silver

Hi Barrie

Thank you for your considered response.

Honestly, I don’t know what I want to do at this stage as I’ve walked away without paying out any money.

From reading reviews on this company there appears to be several others who have a similar experience to me and one even suggests CCJ pending. Of course these may be isolated incidents, but they also may not and folk will be paying for work that doesn’t need doing.

I’ve noted from checking my other garage bills that one of the components they state needs replacing was in fact replaced in March of this year. Rear suspension arm, trust me I knew about it when that went.

From having had the car for nearly six years I feel I know when something is wrong, and having just had the front suspension and wheel alignment done, the car feels absolutely fine to me.

I am very suspect about the behaviour of this garage, but it may not be illegal.

Post #634562 Wed Jul 26 2023 11:16am
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Member Since: 25 Mar 2017
Location: Paredes de Coura, Portugal
Posts: 410

Portugal 2005 Range Rover Sport TDV6 HSE Cairns Blue

Hi Chris,

As regards to whether or not this is illegal - let's say "crime" - based on what you've said I might give it a go and report it to the police.

Think about it: If some rogue trader knocks on an old ladies door and tells her her roof needs repairing, when in fact there's nothing at all wrong with it, there seems to be little argument from anyone that it's a crime. Even if no money is paid it's highly likely that an offence has been committed contrary to the Fraud Act, and / or an "attempt" to extract money. In cases like bogus callers calling on people there is often public pressure from media coverage which can "make" the police seek a prosecution via the CPS. The CPS often proceed with these cases on the basis that it's in the public interest.

I would argue the same elements have happened to you, the only difference being you've gone to them first. But they have come back to you and - it seems - tried to deceive you into parting with your money.
in the hope you will give it to them!

But, in circumstances like yours the police will do their utmost to convince you it's a civil matter. (That's probably why there are CCJ's mentioned about this company.) The police may even believe it to be a civl matter, but it's an easy way out. Each incident reported should be based on its merits and not simply dismissed. All it takes is for someone in authority to take the time, own it, and look into the bigger picture. Not so easy nowadays with the police stretched as they are, but that shouldn't be "our" problem. From what you say this is not unusual for this company, so there's even a pattern of behaviour / practice over time which could help prove criminal dishonesty.

I accept most people are content to seek alternative outcomes through simpler means, and as per my earlier post, I'm all for letting an individual or company representative explain how they reached their findings before deciding on a course of action, if any.

I'm only saying what I'd do, and that's based on the principles I've adopted over the years and my background.

If you just want to make people aware of your experience with this company then there are many ways to do this. You do what you think is right in your circumstances. Barrie.
2017-Jan 2024: 2005 RRS 2.7TDV6. Best car I ever had - until now!
Current: 2018 Ford Ranger Wildtrak 3.2

Post #634572 Wed Jul 26 2023 6:43pm
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