Member Since: 13 Apr 2015
Location: Redditch
Posts: 47
I thought doing the turbo was a nightmare...try changing the transmission filter and replacing the mechatronic seal!!!
Not sure that I mentioned before but having the car jacked up has shown that the mechatronic seal is leaking...once I noticed it I put a container under it and got 1 litre of fluid over the week. So whilst I have so much already removed I might as well have a go. Parts ordered, decided to stick with original 1 piece plastic sump and filter, but seeing the BMW guys struggling with the adapter seals (its the same gearbox ZF 6HP26) I thought I might as well do them also....talk about scope creep.
First problem is that you can't get to the front row of bolts, so you need to lift the engine, fairly easy this, just remove the two engine mounting bolts and jack up...
Second problem, it goes so far then stops....did a search then found that there is a damper at the front of the engine, so disconnect this and success engine goes up much further.
Third problem...it just won't go up enough for the filter tube to clear. I pulled the sump a little too hard and broke the tube off (must have been cracked already because it came off really easily. Anyway problem sorted, sump off. Disconnect wiring, pull down the little white connector to release the sleeve and it pretty much fell out,no wonder it was leaking so much.
Next step,mechatronic unit removed, loads more fluid comes out, 4 tubes and adapter looked a little tired so swapped them over.
Next problem (losing count now) how do I get the sump back on, tried to get the engine higher without luck, even jacked up the gearbox, still no good....the sump fits really easily when the mechatronic unit is not fitted....so my solution was to fit one of the front sump bolts, cable tie the sump to this, not too tight, just enough so its held in place while I install the mechatronic unit. Much swearing and failed attempts later I have success!!!! Mechatronic is fitted and the sump can be bolted in, tube still intact.
Hang on...I've forgotten something...What is this....ah, that's the mechatronic sleeve (the one that was leaking so much)...unbolt the sump and try to fit it...
almost 2 hours later I manage to get this in, yes I'd already spotted that there is a right way and wrong way to fit this (slot in the connector that has to mate correctly)...the problem is that it's just way tight and not wanting to break it by levering of tapping with a hammer I just takes time to persuade it to fit in enough for the white connector to lock it in place.
Sump back on job done....now to put everything else back on.