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Member Since: 04 Jun 2017
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United Kingdom 2013 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Lux Orkney Grey
Thinkware F770 dashcam hardwire via overhead console.

There has been many forum discussions regarding hardwiring of dashcams via the fuse box with some very helpful info and photos but I am considering using the overhead console power supply method which there is not much info about on the forum.

I am not sure if there is both a switched and non-switched supply in the overhead console? Does anyone have any info on this or wire colours? I would put an inline fuse on each supply for safety. Has anyone done it this way using both types of power supply?

My RRS is still under a LR approved used warranty and I have had a few electrical problems in the past. If I connect to the fuse box LR may argue that any future electrical faults are due to me connecting to the fuse box. If I connect via the overhead console it will hopefully not be so obvious to LR.

Any assistance you can offer with the location and wire colours of switched and unswitched connections in the overhead console would be much appreciated Thumbs Up



Post #557619 Mon May 28 2018 10:08pm
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Member Since: 04 Jun 2017
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United Kingdom 2013 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Lux Orkney Grey

Bump Thumbs Up

Post #558274 Wed Jun 06 2018 9:24am
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Does that help? 2008 MY Java Black TDV8 HSE

Post #558309 Wed Jun 06 2018 4:31pm
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Member Since: 20 Nov 2017
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I did this to my 2015 Sport. Here is the writeup, hope it helps
Just did this & thought it may be of help to others.The best & neatest place to connect up to is inside the overhead interior light console (no unsightly wires)
To remove the console, unclip it from side furthest away from the windscreen. Use a thin wide bladed implement. I used a cake slice which is ideal. Slide it in between the headlining & the silver outer ring of the console. There are 2 clips about 2"in from the edge. Slide in your weapon of choice (not a screwdriver) & prise against the console. When it starts to open up slide in a dinner knife (very technical) & hold it in this position, do not force it. Put the "cake slice" in the other side & prise it forward while keeping the dinner knife in position. This side then springs off the clips & you can then just swing the console down. It will hang suspended from the internal wiring. I left it partially hinged at the front to keep the load off the wiring. The hardwire kit I had consisted of a 90 degree usb which was permanently connected to a small control box. Think its a voltage regulator.( Get a 90 degree usb as its a lot tidier when connected to the camera)
On the Range Rover there is a hole about 0.5" diameter in the headlining adjacent to the windscreen. They think of everything. Poke a length of cable thro this hole & it will appear between a slot in the internal plastic moulding. This moulding is held by 2 round yellow clips, which do not have to be disturbed but lets you see where the slot is. You may have to try this a few times, but dont give up. Took me about 5 mins. When the wire appears grab it with long nose pliers & pull it thro. Attach this wire to the usb with insulating tape securely then pull it back out. I inserted a wide screwdriver blade into the slot to open it up so that the usb could get thro as it a tight fit. You wont break anything.. Once the usb is thro, undo the wire & leave it dangling for now.
Inside the console there is a convenient depression that the " voltage regulator" can sit in. There is a multiplug on the right hand side of the console. The wire you need is the last one on the right" brown/green" power. This connects to the red wire from the voltage regulator. I used a scotchlock connector. The wires are very thin so I was concerned they may be cut thro when connecting them, so my local car accessory shop had red ones rather than the usual blue ones. They were a bit smaller for the wire diameter & were ideal.
Note:- When connected to this wire the camera starts as soon as you open the car door. When you stop & lock the car it goes off. If you dont lock the car, which I dont when its in the garage. The unit stays on for a few minutes, then it goes to sleep, but not long enough to worry about battery drain or any other concern. Thought I would just mention this.
There is a handy screw inside the console for an earth. This is for a Torx screwdriver to slacken. Connect the black wire to this. I used a spade connector but you could just wind it under the screw head, but ensure you have a good connection. I then plugged in the camera to see it was working. Tidy up the wiring then re-attach the console. It just clips into place.
I then thought about the camera position a I did not want to remove it when leaving the car. I attached the mount to the black area on the windscreen but not too far in as if you do this the camera picks up the black area. This is where to 90 degree usb is worth having as its very compact. Hope this long read helps. Will try to upload a couple of photos but they are not very good, thats why the descripition is thorough

Post #558310 Wed Jun 06 2018 4:35pm
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Member Since: 04 Jun 2017
Location: Skegness, Lincolnshire
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United Kingdom 2013 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Lux Orkney Grey

Thank you Lindap and Paddi for your replies Thumbs Up

Both of these are very helpful, my Thinkware F770 requires a switched power supply for normal use and a un-switched supply to enable recording while the car is parked and locked.

I now have the location of the brown/green switched power supply in the overhead console (thanks Lindap), I just need to find the location and colour of the un-switched supply. Can anyone help Question

Thanks again guys Thumbs Up

Post #558325 Wed Jun 06 2018 6:02pm
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Member Since: 02 Sep 2012
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I don't know if it will be there unless you have a sunroof, but have a look for a light grey unused 10pin multi connector in the roof space by the overhead console, it is used for the sunroof motor/module. If it is there, check pin No.1 should be a Brown and Red wire which is battery feed to the motor, I really wouldn't know, if it is a permanent live or not but might be worth checking, might also need to check if there is a fuse in position 47 (20amp) in the passengers side fuse box to make it live whether permanent or aux. in either case. As I said don't know one way or the other just a suggestion, I do have a sunroof and when get a few spare minutes will have a look at mine to check if its permanent live or not


Post #558372 Thu Jun 07 2018 9:05am
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Member Since: 04 Jun 2017
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United Kingdom 2013 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Lux Orkney Grey

Hi Col,
Thank you as always for your very informative reply. I will have a look to see if I have the sunroof connector in my overhead console at the weekend and I will check the fuse box too.
Thanks also for your offer to have a look at your car to see if the sunroof has a permanent live supply Thumbs Up

Post #558396 Thu Jun 07 2018 4:37pm
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Member Since: 02 Sep 2012
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New Zealand 2013 Range Rover Sport Supercharged Autobiography Santorini Black


Checked my car and the Brown and Red wire in the sunroof connector is definitely a permanent live, left a test lamp connected and locked the car, then left it for 30 mins. just to make sure it didn't drop the live when vehicle went to sleep, but it stayed live all the time, pulled fuse No.47 to check and that dropped the feed. There was also a permanent live in a small purple connector up there on drivers side of console Red and Blue wire, again it may only be there if you have a TPMS system fitted for what use that is on a RRS1 as its for the TPMS receiver. The sunroof plug also has a earth pin you could use if needed.

As I said though, wouldn't know if the plugs are there or not unless you have these options fitted as my car has them fitted. Have to keep fingers crossed plugs are in the harness even if not used.


Post #558446 Fri Jun 08 2018 7:08am
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Member Since: 04 Jun 2017
Location: Skegness, Lincolnshire
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United Kingdom 2013 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Lux Orkney Grey

Hi Col,

Thank you for taking SO much trouble to try and help with my permanent live feed connection question Thumbs Up

I would expect the loom to be the same whatever extras the car has, but who knows with the RRS? I was pleasantly surprised when I fitted my heated steering wheel to find the power feed was already in the loom and also the power feed for the remote climate was already there when I upgraded that too. I will keep my fingers crossed Rolling Eyes

I will have a look over the weekend and let you know what I find Thumbs Up

Have a good weekend.



Post #558451 Fri Jun 08 2018 7:57am
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Member Since: 04 Jun 2017
Location: Skegness, Lincolnshire
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United Kingdom 2013 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Lux Orkney Grey
Looks like I am in Luck?

Col wrote:

Checked my car and the Brown and Red wire in the sunroof connector is definitely a permanent live, left a test lamp connected and locked the car, then left it for 30 mins. just to make sure it didn't drop the live when vehicle went to sleep, but it stayed live all the time, pulled fuse No.47 to check and that dropped the feed. There was also a permanent live in a small purple connector up there on drivers side of console Red and Blue wire, again it may only be there if you have a TPMS system fitted for what use that is on a RRS1 as its for the TPMS receiver. The sunroof plug also has a earth pin you could use if needed.

As I said though, wouldn't know if the plugs are there or not unless you have these options fitted as my car has them fitted. Have to keep fingers crossed plugs are in the harness even if not used.


Hi Col,

Just checked what plugs and cables I have tucked up in my roof headlining! I found this unused plug 'lurking' above the headlining on the passenger side. It looks like the sunroof plug you mentioned?

Is that the right plug? Would welcome your confirmation before I move forward with this solution Thumbs Up

Interestingly, Fuse 47 is present although I do not have a sunroof, so it must protect other accessories too Thumbs Up

If that is the right plug, it looks like you have solved the location of a permanent live above the overhead console Thumbs Up

Thanks Col



Post #558569 Sat Jun 09 2018 2:41pm
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Member Since: 02 Sep 2012
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New Zealand 2013 Range Rover Sport Supercharged Autobiography Santorini Black

Hi Steve,

That looks like the right plug, can't make out the colour correctly should be light grey with a Brown/Red wire in No. 1 pin, just check if its live with a meter or test lamp, if so you should be in business. Thumbs Up User handbook only list fuse 47 as Sunroof, so not sure what else it may power without looking at drawings.


Post #558642 Sun Jun 10 2018 8:49pm
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