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Member Since: 01 Sep 2015
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United Kingdom 2013 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Firenze Red

I couldn't agree more! My RRS gets used more frequently and does more miles than my wife's Honda Jazz which can sit in the garage for 3 months without being started. She gets in, starts the car and off she goes. If I leave my RRS in the garage for a week, the battery is so run down that it won't start the car. No stray electrical uses, it's been checked a dozen times. The battery and the car are just over 18 months old, so not a problem with an old battery. The problem, and I've had this confirmed by a well respected electrical engineer is with the electrical power distribution design, which he says is "quick fix piled on top of quick fix" and ends up being a total piece of rubbish. The fix would be to sit down and redesign the system properly, but this would mean spending a little time and money. Something that JLR do not seem to be prepared to do. From my perspective this totally lets down the marque, but as long as the cars are selling and there are not too many demonstrations from owners that suffer from this poor design, then the status quo will be maintained.

Old Jock 2018 (MY19) Jaguar F-Pace R-Sport 300PS Petrol in Caesium Blue with many bells and whistles.
2015 RRS HSE SDV6 Firenze Red with Santorini Panoramic Glass Roof, gone but not forgotten.

Post #517228 Thu Feb 09 2017 12:55pm
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Farmer Chalk

Member Since: 02 May 2015
Location: London
Posts: 542

Well today not a happy bunny! .....
When out to the car yesterday morning after it had been parked on my drive for two days..guess what...battery warnings ... and it was so discharged that the car wouldn't start... rather than again getting out my battery charger and after taking advice from you guys I thought I would ring Land Rover assistance..after all when you own a £74,000 car and on the one day it actually snows and you want to use it then they should help.....

Also thought that if I wait until next week when it is finally scheduled to visit the dealers I would be given the usual fob off and be told that they tested it and found nothing wrong with it.... so LR assistance it was!
Rang them 10am.... polite man at the end said they were very busy but get someone around in a few hours but probably around 2ish.... at 2pm ish had phone call saying the LR assistance man could only legally work so many hours and he wouldn't now be getting to me...would I like the AA to attend and give me a jump start?

Pretty miffed but declined that because I wanted a proper LR man to be able to plug in and find the fault... offered me one this morning....so now waiting for him again!

To add insult to injury.... at 4.11am this morning was woken by a phone call from Tracker saying someone has disconnected my battery...is it being stolen? Oh how I wish! At least it's now thiefproof! Thieves would have to bring their own jump pack!

Will keep you posted on the latest instalment!

Post #517488 Sun Feb 12 2017 7:55am
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Member Since: 18 Aug 2006
Location: Nottingham
Posts: 1672

United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Sport Supercharged Sumatra Black

Sorry to hear this, and hope they find the problem.

I suspect they will not be able to diagnose the fault there. Knackered batteries usually require overnight tests, and I have a suspicion the first suggestion will be that the camera is interfering with the power control module and not shutting the power down properly (or that you always park under a security light sensor or antenna - these have been known to do the same). 

Post #517491 Sun Feb 12 2017 9:37am
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Farmer Chalk

Member Since: 02 May 2015
Location: London
Posts: 542

As suspected... fabulous chap from Assist who attended... apparently there is a 0.3 amp drain on the battery somewhere...they need to rule out the non OEM equipment before they can do anything...he is suspecting the Cat 5 Tracker...

Not helpful in the long term..means I still have to keep car on charge or take a different car if I'm going away for the weekend?....

Will get Tracker out in next few days to give their device a clean bill of health before into the dealers next week.... he did try to give the car the software patch as described above but my VIN wouldn't take it....

Time for a change?

Post #517500 Sun Feb 12 2017 10:58am
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Member Since: 18 Aug 2006
Location: Nottingham
Posts: 1672

United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Sport Supercharged Sumatra Black

No, time for a charge. 

Post #517503 Sun Feb 12 2017 11:52am
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Tim in Scotland

Member Since: 30 May 2005
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2013 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Stornoway Grey

My last FFRR and my first Evoque both had Trakker trackers and LR was adamant that that was what was causing my battery problems with both cars. The Evqoue was so bad that it would kill the battery like yours in a couple of days. As I was abroad and it was my father who found the car completely dead after managing to open a door but then not being able to lock it again, he contacted me and I told him to call LRA and tell them to keep the car in the local dealers as long as they needed it to resolve the issue. The car was in the workshop for a month (I didn't need it and at least it was secure there!) for tests and visits from techs from the Warwick/ Gaydon technical division of JLR. They found that it categorically was not the aftermarket tracker that was causing the problem it was something in the Battery Management System that they had not been able to replicate in any car at the works. They solved the issue and after a new update to the BMS software and fitting an AGM battery to the car I never had another isssue with the battery discharging and had confidence that I could leave it up to 90 days without running it. One thing that they did do at my request (and only on that one car) was to re-enable the front power socket so that I could keep my solar panel trickle charger plugged and keep the battery topped up, no other Evoque before or after has had the power sockets live when the ignition was off. The fix worked a treat. Since then my 2nd Evoque had no issues the retaining charge and neither has my RRS. The first Evoque was one of the very first off the production line in 2011, the 2nd was a 2014MY car and my RRS is a 2015MY. I don't know what year yours is but if it is a 2013MY or early 2014 it may be that it needs a BMS tweek or an AGM battery fitting. 2020 Pangea Green 1st Edition D240 New Defender 110 is here and loving it
2018 Melting Silver Mini Countryman PHEV - soon to be replaced
2015MY Corris Grey SDv6 HSE Dynamic, the best car I have ever owned, totally reliable only a cou0le of rattles in 3 years, now no longer in my care
Also in my garage is a 1996 TDi300 Defender 90 County HT made into a fake CSW

Post #517517 Sun Feb 12 2017 1:56pm
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Farmer Chalk

Member Since: 02 May 2015
Location: London
Posts: 542

philmw wrote:
No, time for a charge.

Rolling with laughter Rolling with laughter so cruel so cruel!

Tim mine is a twin of yours, almost the same specs and an October 14 reg so on a 64 plate... it's a few hundred back from the 15 model year and so I can't update the battery module software....

Tracker are going to see the car this week and hopefully give it a clean bill of health....then off to do battle with the dealer on the 22nd!

Post #517521 Sun Feb 12 2017 3:41pm
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Milk Float Man

Member Since: 30 Jun 2010
Location: East Riding of Yorkshire
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I had low battery issues with MY10/MY13 RRS and MY16 DS - used to drive me mad Evil or Very Mad

I had to connect ctek via towing electric socket when not being driven but even then it would say low battery if I tried to use Park heating or TV and forced me to start engine after couple of warnings Rolling Eyes

In the late 90s I had a Landcruiser with 2 massive batteries under the bonnet which never needed a ctek - the current phev checks starter battery every 24 hours when parked and tops up from motors battery if it needs to - I can now listen to radio and run Park heater for as long as necessary with no fear Mr. Green Wanted a Series 2 LR since childhood but previously owned MY16 Disco Sport HSE TD4 Auto, MY13 RR Sport Black Edition TDV6 Auto, MY10 RR Sport HSE TDV6 Auto, 2007 Freelander 1 Freestyle TD4 Soft Top, 2009 Freelander 2 GS TD4 Auto, 2007 Freelander 2 GS TD4, 2004 Disco 2 Metropolis Auto, 2002 Disco 2 GS, 2000 Freelander 1 SE TD4 SW

Still hoping for a S2 one day!

Post #517525 Sun Feb 12 2017 4:57pm
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Member Since: 12 Aug 2011
Location: Northamptonshire
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United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Orkney Grey

If your RRS is driven for short hops rather than decent journeys then it will drain the battery. Mine does 1-1.5 hours each way commutes each day and stays at / close to 12.75V. Yesterday I popped to the shops so it did 3 miles each way after remotely running the FBH for half an hour. Showed 12.6V this morning. Do that regularly without long drives and the battery will drain. These things have a thirst for fuel and a hunger for volts. 2012 SDV6 - it's missing a couple of cylinders
2008 TDV8 - it was a labour of love and is much missed

Post #517534 Sun Feb 12 2017 5:57pm
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Member Since: 16 Oct 2009
Location: manchester
Posts: 196

2013 Range Rover Sport SDV6 Autobiography Firenze Red

Smaller battery is not connected to the main battery directly, and its connection to charging and electric loads are controlled by the BMS, battery management system.

Post #517594 Mon Feb 13 2017 10:05am
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Farmer Chalk

Member Since: 02 May 2015
Location: London
Posts: 542

RRSTDV8 wrote:
If your RRS is driven for short hops rather than decent journeys then it will drain the battery. Mine does 1-1.5 hours each way commutes each day and stays at / close to 12.75V. Yesterday I popped to the shops so it did 3 miles each way after remotely running the FBH for half an hour. Showed 12.6V this morning. Do that regularly without long drives and the battery will drain. These things have a thirst for fuel and a hunger for volts.

My only journeys I do in it are normally a minimum of 60-70 miles on my commute to the office circumventing the M25... the primary fault occurred 2 hours after a drive to Birmingham from deepest darkest Kent ......

Goodness knows what drained that amount of power....I would expect leaving the headlights full on wouldn't have drained the battery that quick....

Tracker have been brilliant and after contacting today they are coming down Thursday to determine its not their equipment! Good service! Very Happy Very Happy

Will keep you all posted!

Post #517630 Mon Feb 13 2017 1:51pm
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Member Since: 23 Oct 2016
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Posts: 259

Does your MY apply to the "Q634 - Gateway Module Stay Awake - Battery Drain" software update recall that was started by Lanr Rover before Xmas?

Mine went in for it last weekend (was a while I waited appointment, taking about 45mins to apply the software update), and I've noticed a significant increase in the performance of the battery. SOLD - MY16 SDV6 Autobiography Dynamic - Fire Engine Red, Fixed contrast pan roof, TV, Dual Screen, 5+2, Privacy, Noble paddles.

Post #517632 Mon Feb 13 2017 2:07pm
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Farmer Chalk

Member Since: 02 May 2015
Location: London
Posts: 542

Unfortunately not!
The LR assist man tried to load that software but it's specific to 15 model year onwards... mine was made a month too early!

Sad Sad

Post #517715 Mon Feb 13 2017 11:09pm
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Member Since: 27 Jan 2007
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CTEK advised me to fit to the battery posts... Which I did...
- I have also pointed them to this thread and asked for clarity on the previous advice of fitting to the boot battery...

I cut a couple of notches out of the circular lugs and managed to close the positive battery connector over the cable.

Will report back soon... 2022 P440e AB

Post #518407 Mon Feb 20 2017 8:03pm
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Member Since: 13 Jul 2016
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Posts: 152


Landrover sell a battery charging kit, hard wired directly to the battery.

You can download the PDF instructions from the Topix site. The loom they provide looks like there is another plug / port which as far as I can see is simply a fuse?

Anyway, the outline of the charger looks like a CTEK, so probably a re-brand for themselves, not sure on the size (amp) though. 2017 MY17 SDV6 SE

Post #518409 Mon Feb 20 2017 8:46pm
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