Member Since: 14 Apr 2014
Location: Wellington
Posts: 79

FIXED: new owner, sunroof issue | |
Hi all,
Our 2005 (55 plate) RRS supercharged finally got handed over today. To give you some context, I purchased this from Wales and imported it to New Zealand - and it finally got complied and on the road today.
So, a couple of things I was hoping you could help me with...
1. Sunroof - this does not close properly. Let me explain... it closes, but the front of the glass does not go all the way up to make it flush with the roof, and at speed it whistles quite badly. I've tried the reset procedure of holding the close button down for 20+ seconds until it finishes a full cycle - but it doesn't seem to matter. Is there some adjustment I can do to get this to sit flush?
2. Parking sensors - these sometimes don't turn off - so driving off it stops beeping, but then when I pull up to an intersection, I just get a solid tone "beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep" until I take off again. I can stop it by pressing the button so the light goes out, but is this a configurable setting somewhere? I see that others have encountered this too - wondering if it may just be dirt covering the sensors?
Essentially, in our Audi the system disarms above 10 or so Km/h so not a problem. In the RRS, it seems to stay on until I press the button. Painful
3. PTI - is there a way to tell what model phone the Telephone Integration adapter is made for?? Also, if the car has PTI (which it does) should it also have Bluetooth?
4. rear number plate - in NZ our plates are nowhere near as wide as UK ones. So went to change it over tonight and of course, the holes don't line up. No big deal. However, it looks like the rear plate has been PK screwed to the tailgate via some nice, non-factory holes drilled in it. Is this standard practice over there?? It all looks pretty damn rough tbh....
I think that's all for now. I'm sure more stuff will drive me mad over the weekend as I get to know it.
I have our valet/paint specialist coming in on Monday to give her a damn good clean and detail as it's in a bit of a
state after coming across in a container and being crawled in and out of by a bunch of sweaty mechanics. Once it looks a bit nicer I'll take some decent pics and post them up with spec and a bit of a story Every home should have one!
'06 RRS SC Rimini Red
'04 Audi S4 Avant
Escort Mk II Sport
Last edited by frostmotorsport on Sun Aug 24 2014 10:32am. Edited 1 time in total
Fri Aug 15 2014 11:52am |