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Member Since: 05 Apr 2014
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Very sad to hear this. Looks like this is becoming depressingly common..

Has anyone heard of / installed this system?


Is this an acceptable after-market deterrent?[/url]

Post #432940 Mon Aug 11 2014 9:27pm
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Member Since: 27 May 2014
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United Kingdom 2013 Range Rover Sport 3.0 TDV6 HSE Santorini Black

Thanks guys...

I don't want to get into too much detail on what security was on the vehicle - but I acknowledge the question.

The way I see it in hindsight (which has been mentioned in this thread) is an old fashioned steering lock that is the only way your 14 Sports are relatively secure. Especially if you park them on the road. It seems ridiculous...had one of those on an old £2k Golf in the 1990s and thought I'd seen the last of them, let alone in 2014 on a £65k SUV.

I have a problem with steering locks though - you keep the key to the steering lock on the key fob for the car in most cases. If the thieves were determined to steal the car and deliberately set off the alarm - then blocked the key fob signal so I couldnt de-activate the alarm to get me out the house and into the car. You're then in a very exposed position...last night I was in a t-shirt, shorts and flip flops at 10:30pm probably not in ideally placed to fend off 2-3 attackers ready to get the keys and the steering lock off. I'm not taking a beating because JLR and my local dealership fail to warn me of the risks.

Its not worth the risk.

In future if you see me...I'll be in a Mini Countryman.

Post #432941 Mon Aug 11 2014 9:40pm
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Member Since: 27 May 2014
Location: London
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United Kingdom 2013 Range Rover Sport 3.0 TDV6 HSE Santorini Black

BTW: My wife called JLR to inform them what happened...she told me that JLR suggested to her that two trackers should be fitted the new RRS.


Not sure what that means for those who have sensibly fitted one.

Post #432943 Mon Aug 11 2014 9:43pm
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Member Since: 12 Aug 2011
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United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Orkney Grey

LR just need to scrap the stupid keyless start idea. I fail to see how pressing a button is any better than turning a key in a steering lock. They could engineer a proper key back in to their vehicles in weeks if they wanted to. 2012 SDV6 - it's missing a couple of cylinders
2008 TDV8 - it was a labour of love and is much missed

Post #432944 Mon Aug 11 2014 9:50pm
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Member Since: 08 Jun 2014
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@AK-Hammer - I have recently purchased a 2010 RRS and was particularly concerned about the security (lack of it) and how a thief can access the OBD port, clone a key and drive my car away. Censored

I did a fair amount of research about additional security / alarms and decided to use secure my car. Video is on YouTube......
Stolen Range Rover Security Upgraded Key Cloning:

- Great company, good communication, travelled to my home to fit, very experienced installing in LR's, excellent security system, very happy. Very Happy

- Not Thatcham approved, fairly expensive (but cheaper than having to find a new car), have to carry 2 fobs around with me. Sad

Post #432948 Tue Aug 12 2014 4:56am
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Member Since: 09 Aug 2013
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Hell will freeze over before Land Rover acknowledge there's a design defect, just think of the recall costs and cancelled orders. I was, incidentally surprised to see InControl Secure removed from the 2015 configurator. Maybe LR have found you can drive a coach and horses through its security, more OutofContol Insecure.

I mentioned about disconnecting the OBD diagnostic port; another option is to disconnect the brake light switch. That's another impediment to starting the engine and taking it out of park. Of course these things can be defeated, the key is to make it as difficult as possible.

What they are doing is hacking into a network and pretending to be something they are not - an authorised device on the network; all they need to do is to fool the (inadequately) written software and they are away. Physical - mechanical or electrical - is likely to be more secure.

I do not know whether the keys are single use only or can be reprogrammed - they should be single use only and the distribution of the keys and the parts used in them much more tightly controlled. It's a compromise between convenience and security. A system which is convenient to use (and, of example, get replacement keys for) is bound to be less secure. Mark

SVR in Estoril Blue Thumbs Up

Post #432951 Tue Aug 12 2014 6:44am
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Member Since: 21 Dec 2005
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hi, worrying news indeed. tell me at which point do we need to be aware , when locking the car ? is that when they "grab or copy " the key code ? heard similar thing happening to friend of mine a month ago in Costco car park at lakeside. locked car went inside and came out car had gone, thieves had pulled up behind in a car as he pulled up and looked like using a lap top after he had gone had got into the car and drove it off without the keys. 2011MY sport ! luckily a tracker was fitted and got it back, no damage to car locks at all, said police said put in transport mode or similar ? would they have cloned the key as the car was locked ? just wanted to see where the danger time is to be aware ?

Post #432958 Tue Aug 12 2014 8:16am
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Member Since: 02 Nov 2010
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^^^ the only problem I see with disabling the brake light switch is that access can be gained to the car. Any method needs to prevent unlocking and, preferably be visible. Unfortunately because of the value of these, and similar, cars the gangs are well organised and increasing violent so they are not phased by the need to get the keys from owners - a sad reflection of society but having a good tracking system and have the car stolen - might just be the safest option.

It really needs JLR and other car makers to derive better systems that are well publicised so these thieves are deterred from trying to nick the cars in the first place and move onto other, easier sources of revenue. Unless there is publicity it is the owners who are exposed if an organised gang have identified their address/car and set out to pinch it.

Don't hold your breath - I can't see JLR being too bothered; their cars are selling well so management is too busy patting themselves on the back to even be concerned that a few of their cars are finding new homes by illegal routes. The culture in JLR is one that discourages younger managers passing problems up the chain to senior management. Promotion is by keeping the boss protected so the last thing an ambitious young managers should do is to show that he/she can't solve problems themselves - best just to pretend they are no issues that way they can't be blamed and get promoted to an increasing level of incompetency with its associated media training Thumbs Up

More light heartedly - Perhaps a mechanical lock that isolates the central locking could be fitted to the drivers door - but, that's what I used to have my £2,000, Mark 1 RR back in 1972 - sorry I forgot we'd progressed since then !!

Post #432960 Tue Aug 12 2014 8:35am
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Ady 555
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Member Since: 12 Dec 2010
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United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Santorini Black

So if there are so many of these stolen cars being shipped abroard Shocked What checks are the ports doing to try and combat this if they are fully aware of these motors being shipped out which i'm sure they are? Secondly, is there 100's of RRS being used in other countries and not being serviced or ever being taken to a main dealer? Don't other countries work like we do in the UK? My local dealer got an Evogue in from a motor trader for a repair of some sort, plugged it into their computer, and alarm bells started ringing Shocked The police was called and it was found to be a stolen vehicle. Motor trader got arrested and had his premises and home raided, and had all his books taken for inspection.

Post #432965 Tue Aug 12 2014 8:57am
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Member Since: 14 Apr 2012
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Feel for you - hope you get a decent outcome whatever happens. Even though my car is a lot less desirable compared to RRS2, pretty sure it has the same vulnerabilities and this makes me nervous. Do you mind telling me whereabouts in London rangerover1sttimer? PM if you wish.

drdelrrs are you referring to this?

Post #432966 Tue Aug 12 2014 8:57am
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Member Since: 09 Aug 2013
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Yes, gaining access to the car and being able to drive away are two different things.

It obviously makes sense to double check the doors are locked after using the remote but that doesn't stop someone grabbing the code and somehow using it to unlock the car. I thought though the code is changed each time you use it using encryption keys in the key and the car so that knowing what the code was to unlock the car on one occasion gives you no clue as to what it will be next time. Jamming the very low power signal from the remote allows you to go through the motions of locking the car without it actually happening leaving the car wide open.

Once inside the car, the fact that the OBD port allows the security keys to be downloaded is both naïve and negligent. They should assume key cloning devices and blank keys will be available and encrypt the information and not even make it available for download. Hugely inconvenient if you lose a key but needs must.

This problem has been around for a whole. New production, as this case shows, still has it and as the previous poster said, LR are too busy patting themselves on the back to notice or care.

And where is a representative from JLR? Hiding under their desk, ducking the issue with fingers in ears saying la la la I should imagine. Perhaps they too realise that whistle-blowing in not career enhancing in JLR. Mark

SVR in Estoril Blue Thumbs Up

Post #432971 Tue Aug 12 2014 9:15am
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Member Since: 21 Apr 2007
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United Kingdom 2010 Range Rover Sport 3.0 TDV6 HSE Bali Blue

Mark looks as though incontrol secure is standard on the my15 by the new online brochure not that it seems as though it will make a difference 2016 bmw x5 40d m-sport space grey
2015 bmw 335i m-sport touring mineral grey/coral interior looking to change again .
Gone HSE SDV6 Dynamic indus silver, santorini contrast roof,panoramic roof,red brakes,privacy,climate front seats,tow bar great car enjoyed it ����
Gone my10 3.0 tdv6 Bali blue/ivory 5 years 24k no problems great car will be missed

Post #432989 Tue Aug 12 2014 12:14pm
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Member Since: 12 Aug 2011
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United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Orkney Grey

Mark_N wrote:

Once inside the car, the fact that the OBD port allows the security keys to be downloaded is both naïve and negligent. They should assume key cloning devices and blank keys will be available and encrypt the information and not even make it available for download. Hugely inconvenient if you lose a key but needs must.

Presumably preventing this download method could be done as a software upgrade by LR dealers? They could do it when the vehicle comes in for a service and noone would be any the wiser. It would at least prevent the driving away of the vehicle if not the jamming of the locking signal. 2012 SDV6 - it's missing a couple of cylinders
2008 TDV8 - it was a labour of love and is much missed

Post #432999 Tue Aug 12 2014 1:31pm
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Member Since: 27 May 2014
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United Kingdom 2013 Range Rover Sport 3.0 TDV6 HSE Santorini Black

Mark_N does raise an interesting point - and I have been thinking hard about this. I don't want to come across as bitter and I do want to remain reasonable about the whole thing...please consider this -

Thieves have essentially 'hacked' the system to gain access to the vehicle resulting in my stolen property. They are able to do this because the supplier (JLR) hasn't adequate security to prevent this happening. I wasn't at fault I was using what I was sold within the suppliers guidelines and recommendations.

If for example my bank account was hacked because a weakness in their online security was exploited - the bank would be liable to return the stolen money. It would is the banks responsibility, providing I have taken necessary precautions and done what the bank recommend in order to remain secure. If this happened to HSBC for example and they sat there and didn't respond there would be outrage. If I fitted an alarm system to the house and paid £5k doing so and a thief with hacked key access simply gained access to my property and robbed me I'd be outraged...I'd want my money back and compensation.

Question: Why don't we demand the same from JLR? They are supplying vehicles which though no fault of your own...strangers are able to drive off with. That's not acceptable. But I think there is an acceptance that this is 'car crime it happens' that a bit like me saying 'that's bank robbery - it happens' it doesn't happen if banks put proper systems in place to prevent it - NO that's not right not the way they simply drove off with mine.

The point is there IS responsibility on the supplier whether it be your savings, your car, your home to provide vehicles or whatever it may be with a security system which does not allow strangers simply to access / drive off without forcing entry providing you are using within the suppliers guidelines.

I received no security advice from JLR or the dealership other that what is printed in the manual.

If anyone feels similar or may or may not have been the victim of key fob hack and would like to explore the options please feel free to DM me.

Post #433001 Tue Aug 12 2014 2:04pm
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Member Since: 12 Aug 2011
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United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Orkney Grey

Part of the problem is that LR did not supply the vehicle, the dealer did. It's the big problem with the franchised dealer model - at least from the customer's position anyway. The manufacturers like it because they don't have to deal with the end user.

The only way LR will sort out this sort of problem is if it's widely publicised and sales begin to suffer. It would probably take a piece on the 6 o'clock news to get LR to notice/care. 2012 SDV6 - it's missing a couple of cylinders
2008 TDV8 - it was a labour of love and is much missed

Post #433004 Tue Aug 12 2014 2:29pm
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