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Member Since: 22 Jan 2012
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 797

What will it take??

What will it take to make you sell the RR??

You guys really love the sports after the threads of engine failures, low mpg etc so it got me thinking what would it actually take to make some of your decide to sell it??

I sold my full fat one because of the mpg and the gearbox was on its way out, I had the 4.4 v8 on LPG but despite having loads of issues with it I'd still have another.

I still do loads of miles per year so the mpg thing does put me off a little but its more the depreciation and been able to sell it on (I tend to change cars very often). I lost about 14k in 18 months on the full fat and that's a hard pill the swallow been a Yorkshire man!!

Post #382729 Fri May 10 2013 7:26pm
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Member Since: 15 Jan 2006
Location: Somerset
Posts: 1657

United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Sport TDV8 HSE Cairns Blue

There isn't a lot that would makes part with mine. Even with all its faults, after six years its still home. Have a brand new sport sat outside but it doesn't feel like mine. The only thing that's led to me thinking about selling it is once warrentee on new engine runs out, It will have to go. Like you I've had a full fat, reason for selling was it was three years old and wouldn't fit in office car park. So two V6 Sports and V8 later I'm looking at another FullFat or possibly a Sport with V8 middle of next year. Think it will be the fullfat that wins. Neutral 2x TDV6. SE and HSE. Both returned to sender with issues👀
TDV8 Sport HSE...... Gone. Loved it but it didn't love me!!
Now rolling in MY10 Fullfat TDV8 Vogue. Slammed it to go round corners🙈
Cruising daily #56 mph in a Volvo V8. 😱
Lots of other toys in the cupboard...😜

Post #382734 Fri May 10 2013 8:48pm
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Ady 555
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Member Since: 12 Dec 2010
Location: Good old yorkshire
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United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Santorini Black

If i had an unreliable motor like what simple has had with is current sport then it would of long gone. Whistle I have been very lucky with all the cars i have ever had. I can honestly say that i have never broken down in any of my motors in 29 years driving. Shocked Famous last words Bow down Thats including doing over 100,000 miles a year in some vehicles. But if my sport started letting me down on a regular basis i would soon fall out with it and get rid Big Cry I like my motors spot on and can't even put up with something as a little mark on the wheel or a little annoying noise of something moving around in the glove box when going around corners. Mr. Green

Post #382736 Fri May 10 2013 9:12pm
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Member Since: 08 Mar 2011
Location: Warwickshire
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United Kingdom 

If my sport got like that I would get shot

My mpg is good etc so I'm happy Mike

2014 Facelift Discovery

Post #382747 Fri May 10 2013 11:10pm
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Member Since: 22 Jan 2012
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 797

Thanks for replys I was starting to think I was like starting a conversation in a library Wink

Reliability did upset me a bit with the full fat, especially when the diff snapped (driving on road) at 70mph with my new born in, just stuck at side of a1 in 26 deg waiting for recovery truck.

Also had radiator fail, coolant sensor, bottom arms then gearbox was failing all on a car with less than 60k on.

I was thinking the price of fuel might make some people sell? The mpg of the sport (well diesel) is good even compared to normal family saloons but the amount of fuel you trt for you money is a joke.

Post #382754 Sat May 11 2013 7:29am
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Member Since: 15 Jan 2006
Location: Somerset
Posts: 1657

United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Sport TDV8 HSE Cairns Blue

Don't think anyone buys a Range Rover thinking it will be economical. When I had my 4.4 fullfat, I was doing 100 miles a day on school run plus business miles and covered 62000 miles in three years. Fuel never came up as a factor. Only thing other than routine servicing on mine was replaced fog light and steering wheel. Nothing else went wrong. Still not a factor with TDV8 although now days I use a pick up for work as it always starts and only failed once in 97000 miles, that being due to a belt failure caused by a lazy mechanic who didn't change balance belt while doing timing belt. By time this happened, said mechanic had been sacked Whistle 2x TDV6. SE and HSE. Both returned to sender with issues👀
TDV8 Sport HSE...... Gone. Loved it but it didn't love me!!
Now rolling in MY10 Fullfat TDV8 Vogue. Slammed it to go round corners🙈
Cruising daily #56 mph in a Volvo V8. 😱
Lots of other toys in the cupboard...😜

Post #382756 Sat May 11 2013 7:53am
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Member Since: 22 Jan 2012
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 797

Surely you could claim back your business miles and if your like most people who have that option will claim half of your personal miles back too, even if its just to get your vat back Wink

Fuel prices must be effecting it as I see the same sports for sale for ages, I agree some sell straight away.

Ill be getting a sport next but the wife keeps going on about the evoque (which is probably swearin on here) but its too small for me.

Post #382758 Sat May 11 2013 8:25am
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Member Since: 15 Jan 2006
Location: Somerset
Posts: 1657

United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Sport TDV8 HSE Cairns Blue

Fuel card. Thumbs Up Wonderful invention that covers the intake of fuel and doesn't directly come out of my pocket. Somewhat different these days as having semi-retired, I only actually pay for fuel in my L200 with it and not for all my fuel as previously.
But 450 miles out of a tank at £110, baring in mind that last time I put fuel in my Sport was December Embarassed isn't a hardship as I use it at weekends and trips away towing caravan now days. 2x TDV6. SE and HSE. Both returned to sender with issues👀
TDV8 Sport HSE...... Gone. Loved it but it didn't love me!!
Now rolling in MY10 Fullfat TDV8 Vogue. Slammed it to go round corners🙈
Cruising daily #56 mph in a Volvo V8. 😱
Lots of other toys in the cupboard...😜

Post #382759 Sat May 11 2013 8:36am
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Member Since: 02 Nov 2010
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United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Sport 3.0 TDV6 HSE Lux Orkney Grey

My first was about 35 years ago and I had trouble free motoring out of about 8 Range Rovers alongside numerous (5) Jaguars since; never once having a roadside issue. An early Disco was a disaster and we only kept it 3 months. My last FFR was a 1996 model which was fine. A new Jag. XF leaked oil, consumed brake pads, gear selector failed, air vents jammed and it lost coolant from split radiator in first 6 months!

However since then I've had more and more unreliability from the JLR products culminating in the latest. a TDV8 which had numerous faults to the extent I was using one of our other cars because of its unreliability. This was plainly daft and that, combined with the apparent difficulty my local dealer had with doing their work properly, it had to go.

In addition, it seems that despite having being in production for some considerable time the JLR hasn't recognised that the poor access to some of the components on the Sport is quite stupid; i.e. turbo-chargers, exhaust flanges, alternators etc. etc.

Also JLR's lack of a central database to enable a simple check of their cars' service records
makes purchasing second-hand car more of a lottery than necessary; of the 3 cars I viewed to replace my TDV8 had gaps and dubious Service records that couldn't be X-checked; which, when compared to other manufacturers, is arcane at a time when warranty cover is essential but both JLR and 3rd Party warranty suppliers look to wriggle out of claims.

Will I go back to a Sport - probably not, a FFR is possible on the cards now I'm not restricted to 'office' car parks and when the heart takes over from the head - again!!

Post #382761 Sat May 11 2013 8:40am
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Member Since: 22 Jan 2012
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 797

Yeah that was something I'd read about having to lift the body of to change certain parts but I thought it was only the turbo replacement that require such massive surgery?? Is there other parts where the body would have to come off?

Post #382767 Sat May 11 2013 8:47am
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Member Since: 08 Mar 2011
Location: Warwickshire
Posts: 2916

United Kingdom 

The lifting of the body isnt always required...i know at least one mechanic that ive seen do some of the jobs that "require" the body to be lifted off...including the engine being taken out. Mike

2014 Facelift Discovery

Post #382769 Sat May 11 2013 8:50am
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Member Since: 15 Jan 2006
Location: Somerset
Posts: 1657

United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Sport TDV8 HSE Cairns Blue

Know plenty about bad workmanship with current TDV8. Had a really good look round new Full Fat, very nice bit of kit and much lower than old model so I will be able to get it in to Bath car parks and office car park where I couldn't with old one. Only issue is the 87 grand price tag. Will probably be the last new car I will buy as I no longer have six figure income or assistance from Business to offset the buying costs Rolling Eyes but I do have plenty of time to do things I haven't been able to do for 30 years Bow down Rolling with laughter 2x TDV6. SE and HSE. Both returned to sender with issues👀
TDV8 Sport HSE...... Gone. Loved it but it didn't love me!!
Now rolling in MY10 Fullfat TDV8 Vogue. Slammed it to go round corners🙈
Cruising daily #56 mph in a Volvo V8. 😱
Lots of other toys in the cupboard...😜

Post #382770 Sat May 11 2013 8:53am
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Member Since: 15 Jan 2006
Location: Somerset
Posts: 1657

United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Sport TDV8 HSE Cairns Blue

Body off is not a good look Big Cry

Click image to enlarge

Admin note: this post has had its images recovered from a money grabbing photo hosting site and reinstated Mr. Green  2x TDV6. SE and HSE. Both returned to sender with issues👀
TDV8 Sport HSE...... Gone. Loved it but it didn't love me!!
Now rolling in MY10 Fullfat TDV8 Vogue. Slammed it to go round corners🙈
Cruising daily #56 mph in a Volvo V8. 😱
Lots of other toys in the cupboard...😜

Post #382772 Sat May 11 2013 9:01am
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Member Since: 22 Jan 2012
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 797

Neither is the price tag for doing it!!

Ill be getting an older one out of warranty so the wife can get used to the size, so I've got to factor repairs in (granted I can take a warranty out but they don't cover the full cost do they)

Post #382774 Sat May 11 2013 9:05am
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Member Since: 15 Jan 2006
Location: Somerset
Posts: 1657

United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Sport TDV8 HSE Cairns Blue

There are more and more very knowledgable independents popping up which will greatly reduce the running costs but until some dealer techs move on, diagnosing issues still remains an issue out of house. LR will eventually wake up and smell the coffee and reduce labour rates on older cars ( same as BMW and Audi) or they will end up doing only warrentee and service work, as is, they are pricing themselves out of the general repairs market with silly hourly rates and scheduled hours for doing jobs. We all know it takes less than three hours to remove a body so why continue to hood wink customers that it is an 8 hour job? All that does is alienate those who supplying the work. I'm sure LR don't pay for 16 hours to remove and refit body under warrentee!!! Whistle
Rant over Rolling with laughter 2x TDV6. SE and HSE. Both returned to sender with issues👀
TDV8 Sport HSE...... Gone. Loved it but it didn't love me!!
Now rolling in MY10 Fullfat TDV8 Vogue. Slammed it to go round corners🙈
Cruising daily #56 mph in a Volvo V8. 😱
Lots of other toys in the cupboard...😜

Post #382781 Sat May 11 2013 10:41am
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