Member Since: 12 Feb 2010
Location: Sunny South West
Posts: 28
Hi Endjin,
That's the scary thing, no symptoms while driving, the old beast rode and handled perfectly. I guess that as both rears were misaligned by the same amount, they would balance each other out. It makes sense if you think about it, with the wheels splaying out and leaning in, the tyres are going to be dragged outwards. The wheel alignment shows this up, but of course that's a static condition sitting on the turntables - during driving the wheels will tend to splay and squat even more, and the more load in the vehicle and the faster you're travelling, the greater the scrubbing effect. I'm surprised nobody's had a blowout. The tyres are literally riding on their shoulders, the treads are hardly worn and look fine, you can't see the damage unless you get under the car. Land Rover have offered me a £90 voucher, not even a proper refund! Not very impressive. Thanks for the interest and check those tyres!
Sat Apr 17 2010 9:47am |