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Tim in Scotland

Member Since: 30 May 2005
Location: Driving along in my automobile
Posts: 17476

2013 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Stornoway Grey
Went to get the Sunday paper and ended up doing 243miles....

My 90 has been shut away all winter in storage so I decided to get it out and take it to get the Sunday papers.
I ended up taking it for a nice on-road run to charge the battery and blow the spider's webs out of the turbo.............................. 243 miles later I got home!

You can type these routes into Google Earth/Maps and see where I ended up for lunch.
Collected the paper from the village shop and then drove east along the A811 to Stirling to fil up with taxi juice.
Stirling to Callander on the A84 then on to Lochearnhead, Tyndrum, Crianlarich where I joined the A82 across Rannoch Moor to Glencoe where I stopped for lunch at the National Trust Centre then ran down to Ballachulish
to see the sea! Turned around there and took the A82 back to about a mile before the Glencoe Ski Centre and turned right onto the old Road to the Isles to the head of Loch Etive at Gualachulain - this is s great single track road that follows the valley of the River Etive and even today there were plenty of white water canoeists playing in the river - the water must have been freezing!
The roads were not totally free of traffic but with there being miles and miles of straights and a pretty good surface even the 90 was able to cruise along at 60 quite happily in 5th gear and I was even able to find long enough clear section to actually get to overtake coaches! As I'm running on BFGoodrich MTR's on the 90 it's not such a nice experience doing the high speed thing for any length of time though - the steering is a bit vague and braking isn't a good as it is on All Terrains Mr. Green
Glen Etive has very dramatic scenery and I though you might like some photos................

Looking east back toward the pass I had just driven through - the road is paved but single track with passing places and there is a big sign at the turn off the A82 that says "Not Suitable for Buses, coaches, Motorhomes or Caravans"

Click image to enlarge

It's "BIG" scenary so difficult to get lots in the frame, in the middle of this photo is a group of kayakers discussing how they are going to get over a waterfall without killing themselves!

There are very few houses along this road, but those that are there are big Victorian lodges that are still part of a vast sporting estate................. this one even has Bambis with trees on their heads keeping the grass neat
Click image to enlarge

Click image to enlarge

And this is what it looks like in the summer - I've been here several times, it's one of my favourite drives in the UK
Click image to enlarge

Anybody coming up here from the south for an Easter or Summer holiday will love the route through Glencoe (scene of a huge massacre of locals in the 1700's when the Campbells and the MacDonalds were not the best of friends!). There is a superb choice of routes after this as well - the new road to Mallaig from Fort William is one of those routes that TG use a lot for testing and rant about, or you can head off toward Inverness along the Great Glen round the foot of Ben Nevis - even for me that one would have to be a weekend drive rather than a nice day out!
Angel this road (the A82 through Glencoe that is) was made for DBS's to stretch their legs! 2020 Pangea Green 1st Edition D240 New Defender 110 is here and loving it
2018 Melting Silver Mini Countryman PHEV - soon to be replaced
2015MY Corris Grey SDv6 HSE Dynamic, the best car I have ever owned, totally reliable only a cou0le of rattles in 3 years, now no longer in my care
Also in my garage is a 1996 TDi300 Defender 90 County HT made into a fake CSW

Last edited by Tim in Scotland on Sun Mar 15 2009 10:54pm. Edited 1 time in total

Post #217470 Sun Mar 15 2009 5:47pm
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Member Since: 10 Mar 2006
Location: Brrrr.... guess where :o(
Posts: 9905

United Kingdom 

Laughing Well done Tim!

We ended u going 1 mile and getting trousered so excuse any typo's!!

Sunday souvla and 4 bottles of Rose does that to a man!!! Thumbs Up Runner up - 2009 Best Avatar Award Sad
Joint runner up - 2009 Outstanding Contribution Award Sad
WINNER - 2008 ‘Best Thread’ Award – Beautiful Women Of The World Very Happy
Runner Up - 2008 Comedian Of The Year Award Sad
Runner Up - 2008’s Funniest Incident Sad

06 RRS TDV6 HSE, Java/Ebony, PTI, Running Boards, Privacy, S/C Grille/Vents, Stormers, Tasmods - GONE - Surprised(

Post #217476 Sun Mar 15 2009 6:15pm
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Member Since: 26 May 2005
Location: Northumberland
Posts: 939

United Kingdom 2005 Range Rover Sport TDV6 HSE Rimini Red

Paddling down the River Etive counts as a great day out. Ran that river in a kayak a few times (although sadly not in the last dozen years) and survived to tell the tale. Back then it was quite rare to see (or even hear) of anyone running the Etive as many assumed it was a lethal mix of big falls, stoppers and sumps. Now Uni students seem to run the thing 3 times a day in really short, tough plastic kayaks - after just a few months training. RRS TDv8 HSE Rimini
Disco 4 TDv6 HSE Ipanema
Defender 90, 200tdi CSW

Post #217496 Sun Mar 15 2009 8:23pm
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Member Since: 19 Feb 2006
Location: Depends who wants to know . . .
Posts: 5927

United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Sport TDV6 SE Arctic Frost

Mrs TB and I had our own little road trip on Saturday.

It was a bit boring sitting around the house with nothing to do and the sun was shining outside, so we jumped in the car and "headed for the hills".

We set off west and just kept going and soon found ourselves in Llangollen. We stopped at the top of the Horse Shoe Pass for tea and biscuits in the Pondarossa Cafe. Lots of really nice motorbikes to look at, including a vintage Norton that we followed out of Lllangollen and up to the cafe. The scenery up there is quite breath taking but we didn't take any photo's as the wind was enough to blow your head off and the temp had dropped quite a lot compared to when we left home.

We then headed further west and drove around Bala before heading for the coast. We had a quick look at the sea in Rhyl of all places. God how that place has changed since I was a kid. Before heading for home, via the A55, M56 and M6. We had a really great time and can't wait for the next sunny weekend to see where our little adventures will take us.

We travelled about 225 miles, averaging 24.9mpg and due to a slightly heavy right boot on the way home, an average speed of 50.2 mph. Arctic Frost TDV6 SE. Aspen Leather, Cherry Wood, Privacy Glass, PTI, Tow Pack, Mudflaps, Tasmods, a new Fuelflap, a RRSport.co.uk umbrella in the boot & a RRSport.co.uk sticker on the rear glass.

Some people accuse me of thinking the world revolves around me, but I'm not stupid . . . I know it revolves around the sun. Which shines out of my @rse!!!

Post #217510 Sun Mar 15 2009 10:50pm
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Tim in Scotland

Member Since: 30 May 2005
Location: Driving along in my automobile
Posts: 17476

2013 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Stornoway Grey

I love doing spur of the moment road runs - my other favourite at this time of the year is to drive the A9 from Stirling to Dalwhinnie (stopping at House of Bruar for a lunch/coffee and to wander around the shop looking at all the vastly overpriced but very nice clothes they sell! Resume the trip and drive to Dalwhinnie where I turn off the A9 and take a route over the moors to Laggan and cross the ford through the River Spey near the village and follow the single track roads up to the start of the Corrie Yarrick Pass. Then head back home on the A86 via Spean Bridge and Fort William and the A82 again. 300+ miles but a great drive when the traffic isn't too touristy!
But forget it it between May and September - too many slow coaches on the roads 2020 Pangea Green 1st Edition D240 New Defender 110 is here and loving it
2018 Melting Silver Mini Countryman PHEV - soon to be replaced
2015MY Corris Grey SDv6 HSE Dynamic, the best car I have ever owned, totally reliable only a cou0le of rattles in 3 years, now no longer in my care
Also in my garage is a 1996 TDi300 Defender 90 County HT made into a fake CSW

Post #217513 Sun Mar 15 2009 11:04pm
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Member Since: 06 Mar 2008
Location: Been to Moscow, beat the blues....what next?
Posts: 152

United Kingdom 2008 Range Rover Sport TDV6 SE Java Black

I so envy you up there....those are stunning roads (I love the drive up to Fort William from Glencoe) and despite the rumours I havent see a bloke wearing a skirt in any of the villages yet...... RRS TDV6 SE Java Black +towpack +tintent +Permagrin

What a difference between this and my old Disco3
Formerly mxgeldar7

Post #217518 Sun Mar 15 2009 11:31pm
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Member Since: 28 Dec 2008
Location: Cheshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 826

Very nice Tim.

I miss my driving in Scotland from my student days. Lovely scenery. WINNER - 2009 Best Newcomer Award
'09 TDV6 XS Stornaway Grey

'06 BMW 730 D SE (Gone)
'08 A4 TDi SLine Avant (Gone)
Large pack of Flake Cakes (Gone)
6 pack of Guiness (Gone)

Post #217557 Mon Mar 16 2009 9:13am
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Member Since: 07 Sep 2005
Location: ... and for every sprinkle I find, I shall kill you!
Posts: 24350

United Kingdom 

Nice mate. I used to love going on spur of the moment drives too.... can't do it so easily with the kids now though Confused 

2009 Outstanding Contribution Award - Joint Runner Up
2009 'Tech-Head Of The Year' Award - Runner Up

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Post #217565 Mon Mar 16 2009 9:24am
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