Member Since: 28 Aug 2007
Location: North Carolina/Raleigh
Posts: 14

Land Rover Assistance - Problem w/ service | |
Hi Folks,
Although I'm an avid reader of this forum over the past year, I think this may only be my second time posting
I'm wondering if anyone has any contact information (ex: mail address, contact name, phone #s, email) for the North American division of Land Rover's customer service?
In a nutshell: My finance and I had just finished dinner at restaraunt, when we had trouble starting our Sport last night (not sure what the issue was/is - just kept cranking and engine wouldn't turn over), so we called LRA to get a tow to our local dealer. Tow arrived 2 hrs later, at which point it was about 10:00 pm. We discussed getting a ride to the dealership w/ the tow driver, as we didn't have a way home (we had attempted to contact some neighbors and fiends, but were unable to get ahold of anyone). Tow driver was fine letting us ride to the dealership, but could take us no further w/out Land Rover's permission. My fiance called and was basically told we could walk home.
The dealership is approx. 5 miles from our house, and in a somewhat remote area (at least at 10 at night); we certainly didn't want to be walking by ourselves on a lonely stretch of road by ourselves. As we were standing in the dealer lot pondering how to get home, my fiance again calls LRA and asks to speak to a supervisor. She wasn't transfered to a supervisor, but instead repeated our story, and stressed that she didn't feel safe, and what could they do? The service rep's replay was: "You've got to be f**king kidding me" and hung up. We did eventually get ahold of a neighbor who came to pick us up, and made it home safely.
My concerns with this are 1) LRA's inability to provide any reasonable solution and their use of profanity and 2) having no concern for their customer's safety. Number 1 I can live with, and almost expect, except for the use of foul language, but number 2 I can't let slide. To me, it's an absolute outrage that a customer is essentially "on their own" when an auto under warantee breaks down. In this case we were reasonably lucky, but what if:
- My fiance had been on her own
- she didn't have a cell phone, or it didn't work
Overall incredibly poor service and I'm trying to get in touch w/ LRA, if nothing more than to see if there's a way to prevent this in the future. I'm already doing the email - phone call - mailing letter route (to the "customer relationship center" address on LR's website) but I have a feeling these correspondences will end up in the circular file. Like I mentioned, I'd usually let less than ideal service slide, but this time I just can't... everyday there are opportunities to improve the world around us, and this one hits a bit too close to home for me. I don't expect too much from "customer service" when it comes to automobiles, but blatant disregard for a customer's wellbeing is beyond acceptable.
If anyone has any suggestions on how to get to the "right" people I would greatly welcome the info.
Thanks All!