Member Since: 25 Jul 2005
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Posts: 550
What about 45 psi
Long time I was away from the forum coz of work load anyway I'm back when I drove my RRS it was pulling to the right..first I thought to take it for balancing but on my way I stopped on the petrol station and checked the tire pressure was 28 psi, 30 psi, 32 psi and 29 psi each tire has differnt pressure..I usaully put 35 to 40 psi but at this time I increase it to 45 psi is that ok for low profile tires?? I used to do it in my Evo 8 and the ride was much better..slightly tough in roughf terrains..need advise no no more pullying to the right and no need for balancing coz also vibration reduced 2007 Range Rover Sport Supercharged, Buckingham Blue, Ivory converted to HST Silver
SOLD-V8 Defender 90
Last edited by sportman on Wed Jun 13 2007 2:42pm. Edited 2 times in total
If you think you have a balancing problem, you should really get it dealt with properly. Overinflating the tyres isn't really a good idea... as you go faster, the tyres heat up and heats the air inside the tyres, air expands as it heats with nowhere to go and then your tyres blow at 70mph on the motorway. Not really what you want.... 45psi is quite a way over the recommended pressures (37psi, if I remember) so just be careful is what I would say.
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Member Since: 16 Jan 2007
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The recommended tyre pressures are a bit of a compromise but SHOULD result in the tyres wearing evenly from side to side across the tread.
Over inflation will cause premature wear to the centre of the tread and much reduced legal tyre life.
Your choice.
Wed Jun 13 2007 10:58am
Member Since: 12 Jun 2007
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 92
On an EVO, you want stiffer sidewalls (higher PSI) for certain performance reasons. On an SUV too stiff of a tire pressure could make it more prone to roll. This is atelast true on some of the older SUVs that don't have all sorts of dynamic response and crazy suspension technology.
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