Member Since: 19 Jun 2024
Location: Gloucester
Posts: 35
Having had my 2010 3.6 TDV8 Autobiography Sport now for nearly 4 months, I'm still getting used to its quirks and niggles.
I unfortunately ran out of fuel back in July, as I was trying to find an open Shell garage after 10pm at night, I failed and the Sport ran out of fuel. I refilled from a jerry can the 5 litres of diesel and it started without quibble and I filled the tank as normal.
Since then, 2 tank fills, I don't get the low fuel warning anymore and the red triangle, so I always fill now when it gets to 30 miles range or thereabouts. I've tried to simulate the low fuel warning, but I don't think the GAP iiD can simulate this message? I've not yet tried with my iCarSoft CR Max.
My guess the low fuel warning float has maybe stuck?, or something has dislodged when it ran empty I suspect. Unless the low fuel warning comes on later than I expect? I remember when I bought it in May this year, driving home from buying it it told me I was on low fuel I think at approx 50 miles or thereabouts and I'm sure it did that night when I did run out of diesel.
Since that hiccup, I've changed the fuel filter as a precaution, and it runs and drives fine, apart from the low fuel warning not coming on anymore. The range seems to work fine, so I believe. I do find though if I brim the tank at 90 litres, the full tank level doesn't move for a while, so I suspect the float is playing up, or might just be a quirk of these cars?
Other than that, I get a hard pedal every so often when starting, which I can overcome by pressing the pedal down harder to allow it to start.
I understand there was a recall for both these faults at some point in the cars life, but I cannot be sure, i know for the early part of its life it frequented Land Rover dealerships regularly for services.
Can anyone give me some pointers please or help diagnose the issue?
Thanks in advance