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Member Since: 22 Jan 2021
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2021 RRS P400e HSE Silver questions and Thoughts

Hi all

just joined the forum as I have just bought my first ever Land Rover, a 2021 RRS HSE Silver P400e to be exact. Its been fine so far but I have some questions

Q1: How do I turn on lane departure warning? I pressed the button but I don't see, hear or feel anything.

Q2: Why does it take so long to demist the car and why does the edges of the windscreen never get demisted?

Q3: How can I sign into my incontrol account in the car? Whenever I try it says 'there was an error on our side'

Q4: Am I able to configure my own driving mode like making suspension comfort while making engine eco?

Q5: and finally, can I make my car use the engine more frequently so I don't have to have a flat battery when I'm halfway through a journey.

Maybe I'm going too harsh on the car but right now I am disappointed in it but coming from Toyota's hybrid technology all my life, I feel as though this isn't worth the price. now I'm just thinking if it was better off to keep my 2019 RAV4. If I'm going on the nitty-gritty things, for a wide and long car I expect rear legroom to be bigger than my RAV4 but it's actually smaller, and how you can't fit a water bottle in the door pockets. My main disappointment with the Hybrid system is that it will use electricity on motorways and hills and just empty out the battery. Hopefully, I can live with these things and learn to accept its flaws.

Post #609023 Fri Jan 22 2021 11:02pm
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Member Since: 23 Dec 2017
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Sorry to hear you arent impressed with your sport compared to the RAV4 I would really have expected it to blow your socks off in comparision.

Hopefully my attempt to answer some of these will help get you more settled with the car.

Q1: There are settings for this in the menus so might be worth checking, I have steering assit on my car and I have it setup so it in lane but only when cruise is on. There is also a button on the steering wheel to turn it on and off. When on should show on the infomation display two green lines indicating that it's picked up the road markings.

Q2: This sounds unusual, how are you demisiting the car? I have never had issues with mine, less than 30seconds worst case. Are you using the max demist button? Make sure you leave the air conditioning on.

Q3: Might be one for the dealer for this, sometimes they don't fully PID or if it was an ex demo / returned car it might have been linked to antoher account.

Q4: Not sure on the HSE P400e but on mine you can change the dynamic mode, it allows you to have dynamic or comfort for, suspension, steering, geerbox and engine

Q5: I don't have a Phev so not sure where the settings are but there should be a way to adjust the way it uses the battery. Have you downloaded the phone app with the ownwers guide? It's super useful as much quicker to find things then flicking through the printed copy.

Post #609111 Sun Jan 24 2021 8:54pm
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Member Since: 13 Jan 2006
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Didnt the folk that sold you the car give you some kind of guide or virtual handover !?

Re Q1..assuming the function is on, the alert is configurable in settings to a vibration along with the left of screen giving u a red warning.

Re Q2..you need to push the Max button to defrost/demist..normally very rapid and full screen, as it engages the heated screen

Re Q3..dealership should have fully set this up but if you call LR customer services they can trouble shoot for you remotely.. u need to make sure your data account is also set up correctly

Re Q4..to an extent, I dont have dynamic and I think they have further choices... check the manual

Re Q5..in hybrid screen there is a button that says save, it save's battery for when you might need it most

I came from a lexus RX full spec and I can confirm that the lexus hybrid drive chain and comfort, and rear room, is shockingly bad compared to the P400e P400e HSE Portofino Blue and Ivory Seats.. it's like a yacht!!
Lexus traded in ..a total piece of crap
Boldly now acquired - a Lexus RX 450hL
BoldlyGone...Sep 15 MY16 RRS SDV6, HSE, Barolo Black, Espresso/Almond interior.. Best car ever & Drop dead gorgeous... sadly with fuel dilution headaches that became intolerable
Arrived 2014. Oct - Lemoned March 2015- RRS SDV6 HSE
Boldly Gone = Sold for 14k via Pistonheads - 2006 TDV6 SE Buck Blue/Almond int

Post #609127 Mon Jan 25 2021 9:52am
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Member Since: 23 Jul 2020
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also re Q5, you need to use the sat nav for your destinations, the computer will then work out the best locations on the route to use the battery to give you the most efficient usage over the entire journey. There's also an option to select "return journey" and it will figure out the best usage there and back again Smile (assuming you can't charge at your destination!)  2020 Range Rover Sport P400e HSE Dynamic

Post #609153 Mon Jan 25 2021 5:40pm
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