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Home > Technical > RRS 10.1" HU, stock amp, cannot retain upper screen
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Member Since: 17 Oct 2019
Location: Leeds
Posts: 393

United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Sport Supercharged Java Black
RRS 10.1" HU, stock amp, cannot retain upper screen

basically it can't be done as far as I understand it. you can't have a stock amp via a most fibre optic interface and a retained upper screen since I think the fibre optic connections clash Sad. Thought itd be handy to have this written down somewhere because all the googling in the world didnt answer the question.

Anyways heres the almost finished product, waiting on fascia and cage.

Click image to enlarge

What did I buy?


Those avin stuff can be bought from the UK but some we're charging over £200 for it and the ones that are similarly priced didn't specifically state that they were for the RR so I didn't really want to risk it.

The sub definitely works because I can feel the sucker.


    Obviously the upper LR screen is useless now, I keep the retaining kit incase I need to plug it back in and view the off road screen to see if sensors are knackered quickly

    I can hear that Amp always on noise, that humming, if anyone knows how I can eliminate it I'd be very grateful

    Fading doesn't work, since this is only two channels you only fade to left and right. If you fade all the way to the back the sound stops and if you fade to the front, well that seems to work I think so if people want to watch a video in the back it may work well.

One curious thing is the car had a music gateway in it before that took in fibre and popped out to a parrot system. that worked with the LR screen but I have no idea how. Also feels like now the amp and sub wasn't working before.

edit3: if your just using the loom without the retention screen you need to wire your own AMP remote on as detailed below. with the screen retention kit the OEM head unit does it for free

The image below has a blue splitter connected to it, thats the LR power on for the amp. To test connect it directly to a ground and the amp should power on. After that install the relay so its not always on and draining battery(thanks AndyK for this piece of info)

Click image to enlarge

below is the thread where it all went down


Post #595302 Fri Feb 21 2020 11:47am
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