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Member Since: 02 Dec 2010
Location: Essex
Posts: 649

United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Santorini Black
RRS Prices? Buying RRS help needed dealers don't like me?

I'm in the market for a decent 2013 'Black Edition' RRS (last of the old shape) What is a fair price for something with sub 50k miles on the clock in good condition with FMDSH both at a dealer and private? I've spoken to a couple of dealers (non JLR the 2013 model probably too old for them now and the wrong shape) who all seem to be trying to sell their vehicles at strong money because they offer a good warranty. But when I question their warranty, go through it with them re limits, excesses etc I seem to give them the hump?? It seems that most warranties (all I've questioned) have limits on cover on all Land Rovers models and some only have a £1,200 claim limit per claim and a £75 excess. Not sure what we could get done for £1,200 maybe a new switch? Dealers don't seem to be happy about me making an offer for their vehicles they all seem to get the hump throw their toys out the pram and walk away never to be seen again? I was left standing on a forecourt the other day as the dealer just turned and walked away from me?? I thought he'd gone to get the keys but he went and sat in his office sulking because I challenged him over his warranty telling him I didn't want his as it was useless and I'd get my own! I then asked for a price taking that in to account on the price of the car. After some time kicking tyres I went to find him sulking in his office he then told me to go buy a car somewhere else.. Big Cry! Ok it probably didn't help that I stood in his doorway and laughed at him.. Rolling with laughter Does everybody walk in pay screen price & not ask questions these days? am I just upsetting dealers? Help needed Confused Cheers Laurence.

Post #569578 Fri Nov 23 2018 10:34pm
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Tim in Scotland

Member Since: 30 May 2005
Location: Driving along in my automobile
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2013 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Stornoway Grey

The problem is you have more knowledge about the car than them and you are frightening them.............. they are looking for customers who are desperate to own a Range Rover, any Range Rover but a Sport is their dream car, so long as it is shiney, has an MOT and the price looks right for a luxury SUV. The people that cannot see passed what a good valet and a recent MOT hides, they are unaware of the issues unlike you. Look at how many people come onto the forum after having bought a dog and are trying to get a neglected car back into a fully running car to justify how much they overpaid.
Have you tried asking your friendly local JLR dealership if they have any coming in as part exchanges and if they haven’t at the moment to let you know before they send any off to auction? Friend of mine did that and 2 years ago got a cracking deal on a very early L322 FFRR 4.4V8 Petrol Vogue ( when they were launched they were SE, HSE and Vogue in 2003) with FLRSH and only 65000 miles on it - he only wanted it as a weekend offroad toy and apart from a brake pipe failing last year while still in the 12 months warranty it has not missed a beat although it is a gas guzzler! 2020 Pangea Green 1st Edition D240 New Defender 110 is here and loving it
2018 Melting Silver Mini Countryman PHEV - soon to be replaced
2015MY Corris Grey SDv6 HSE Dynamic, the best car I have ever owned, totally reliable only a cou0le of rattles in 3 years, now no longer in my care
Also in my garage is a 1996 TDi300 Defender 90 County HT made into a fake CSW

Last edited by Tim in Scotland on Sat Nov 24 2018 9:00am. Edited 1 time in total

Post #569582 Fri Nov 23 2018 10:55pm
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Member Since: 02 Dec 2010
Location: Essex
Posts: 649

United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Santorini Black

Blimey Tim you could be right!! I didn't think of it like that? Having owned a few sports I do know a bit about them and rough costs of their problems. Maybe some people are so excited by the now affordable prices that they are too keen to interrogate the small print in the almost useless warranties that are being sold with the vehicles? Having been in business all my life it is second nature to question every detail and be thorough with the small print and they just don't like it but obviously I want a fair deal just like the dealer wants the same. But trying to find middle ground without looking like I'm trying to trip them up is becoming a problem.. Whistle Cheers Laurence.

Post #569583 Fri Nov 23 2018 11:12pm
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Member Since: 17 Sep 2018
Location: S/E
Posts: 473

Re: RRS Prices? Buying RRS help needed dealers don't like me

Buster007 wrote:
I'm in the market for a decent 2013 'Black Edition' RRS (last of the old shape) What is a fair price for something with sub 50k miles on the clock in good condition with FMDSH both at a dealer and private? I've spoken to a couple of dealers (non JLR the 2013 model probably too old for them now and the wrong shape) who all seem to be trying to sell their vehicles at strong money because they offer a good warranty. But when I question their warranty, go through it with them re limits, excesses etc I seem to give them the hump?? It seems that most warranties (all I've questioned) have limits on cover on all Land Rovers models and some only have a £1,200 claim limit per claim and a £75 excess. Not sure what we could get done for £1,200 maybe a new switch? Dealers don't seem to be happy about me making an offer for their vehicles they all seem to get the hump throw their toys out the pram and walk away never to be seen again? I was left standing on a forecourt the other day as the dealer just turned and walked away from me?? I thought he'd gone to get the keys but he went and sat in his office sulking because I challenged him over his warranty telling him I didn't want his as it was useless and I'd get my own! I then asked for a price taking that in to account on the price of the car. After some time kicking tyres I went to find him sulking in his office he then told me to go buy a car somewhere else.. Big Cry! Ok it probably didn't help that I stood in his doorway and laughed at him.. Rolling with laughter Does everybody walk in pay screen price & not ask questions these days? am I just upsetting dealers? Help needed Confused

I recently purchased a Dec 2012 Autobiography, in the south you would be looking at up to £35k ish for what your asking for, not sure on the warranty side as I didn't purchase from a dealer, so I believe I have a half decent one for my shiny MOT'd , I also didn't purchase in the south, I saved money going further North..

Good luck with the hunt mate..you sound like you should be able to find a good one amongst the others out there.. ===========================================
2012 Range Rover Sport Autobiography 3.0 SDV6 8 speed Automatic
Indus Silver with Hockenheim premium two-tone leather Ebony/Lunar,

Post #569586 Fri Nov 23 2018 11:41pm
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Member Since: 02 Sep 2012
Location: Hawkes Bay NZ
Posts: 5046

New Zealand 2013 Range Rover Sport Supercharged Autobiography Santorini Black

Nobody in their right mind is going to pay up to 35K for a 5+ year old RRS1 no matter how good it is unless they are very desperate, would have thought the very max. would be 25K and it would have to be in exceptional condition at that.


Post #569589 Sat Nov 24 2018 12:05am
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Member Since: 17 Sep 2018
Location: S/E
Posts: 473


A standard Sport 2010-2013 is around 22k-25k with 30-40 thousand miles on the clock,
2013 New shape are 38k + for entry level with similar mileage in the UK,,

The higher the spec and the more specific you are with your requirements the higher the price goes..

They hold their money very well,,,

Believe me I wish they were a lot cheaper I could have saved a fortune.. ===========================================
2012 Range Rover Sport Autobiography 3.0 SDV6 8 speed Automatic
Indus Silver with Hockenheim premium two-tone leather Ebony/Lunar,

Post #569590 Sat Nov 24 2018 12:12am
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Member Since: 02 Dec 2010
Location: Essex
Posts: 649

United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Santorini Black

^^^ I think your about right re the prices there..^^^

I was looking at this one obviously a degree of negotiation would’ve been needed due to the price... Rolling with laughter

But then I see the reviews on the dealer... Censored
Obviously they have added the last few reviews in themselves! These were the guys with the £1,200 claim limit on their warranty but reading their reviews most of their customers haven’t even had a payout.. shocking! I wouldn’t touch this garage if it had the last RRS on earth for sale! I’d rather drive an austin allegro... Thumbs Up
https://www.cardealerreviews.co.uk/dealers...re-england Cheers Laurence.

Post #569591 Sat Nov 24 2018 12:23am
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Member Since: 12 Aug 2011
Location: Northamptonshire
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United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Orkney Grey

The thing with the warranty is the dealer trying to be clever. He thinks that putting a £1200 limit on claims protects him. I'm guessing that's his profit on the vehicle. What he's guessing is that most punters think that's the end of it. The reality is that he has a liability to cover that vehicle for a period of time, not an amount of money. If you buy it and the gearbox goes pop the next day, that's tough luck for him. He can't just say "warranty limit is £1200, go away". As soon as you start asking questions, he knows that you will be someone likely to know your stuff and fight your corner. And that means you are a risk to him, not a customer.

I bought my 12MY privately, from a forum member, with about 50k on it for less than the figures you're quoting. And it came with the remains of the LR extended warranty. Sure, with a private sale you lose rights, but if the dealers are going to play fast and loose anyway, you may as well avoid them and use the ticket price difference to get a decent warranty. 2012 SDV6 - it's missing a couple of cylinders
2008 TDV8 - it was a labour of love and is much missed

Post #569596 Sat Nov 24 2018 1:14am
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Member Since: 02 Dec 2010
Location: Essex
Posts: 649

United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Santorini Black

Totally agree with you ^^^ Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Cheers Laurence.

Post #569597 Sat Nov 24 2018 1:22am
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Member Since: 19 Nov 2017
Location: Nottingham
Posts: 71

United Kingdom 2010 Range Rover Sport 3.0 TDV6 HSE Stornoway Grey

You would find a much better car buying privately for less money. Then buy your own extended warranty.

Post #569607 Sat Nov 24 2018 9:26am
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Member Since: 18 Apr 2013
Location: Suffolk
Posts: 327

2013 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Atacama Sand

Ask Mr Salesman to explain why known issues are not covered under LR approved warranty, listen for his answer and then Rolling with laughter

Post #569610 Sat Nov 24 2018 9:57am
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Andy K

Member Since: 18 Sep 2015
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England 2005 Range Rover Sport TDV6 HSE Rimini Red

By law dealers have to provide a (6 month?) warranty with cars. Whether using an external company or cover it themselves.

They also know how troublesome landrovers can be.

I guess by asking these questions, you are showing you aren't afraid to use the warranty or even intend to!

i guess you could have phrased it better, e.g without supplying a warranty, I offer £xxxxx and see what they say.

But make sure your other warranty covers you for the drive home! Get everything lined up, so you have purchased the warranty before you leave the forecourt!

I hate salemen, they really pi$$ me off. But to get a good deal it's best to have a friendly relationship.
When I purchased mine, I rang them to say I was one my way and he said I have 3 other people looking at it today! Trying to put pressure on already! I did see one other Asian guy turn up, kick the tyres for 5 mins and leave.
I went back in and asked if it was still foresale? Smile Rolling Eyes Laughing Oh I seamed to be in a stronger position now, and screwed him down on price! I think he was annoyed at selling to me in the end.

Post #569615 Sat Nov 24 2018 10:20am
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Member Since: 02 Dec 2010
Location: Essex
Posts: 649

United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Santorini Black

I hate bl Censored y salesman as well. I've bought many cars over the years some new and some used I've cancelled two due to the salesman being a complete pr Censored k! I walked out the Porsche showroom in Mayfair London when collecting my nice new shiny car because they hadn't done the extra's I'd negotiated in to the deal, told them exactly where to park it and it wasn't a sunny place! I've shouted across the showroom in a BMW dealers - even stamped both feet as I recall.... Big Cry Maybe I'm just too picky about things not being as they should be when I'm spending tens of thousands of my hard earned pounds... Whistle !! I'm going to avoid salesmen and go private for this one and as suggested get my own warranty. Can anybody recommend a decent warranty? WMS or similar that's any good for an RRS? Cheers Laurence.

Post #569639 Sat Nov 24 2018 5:20pm
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