Member Since: 23 Oct 2016
Location: UK
Posts: 259

It impacts any car with keyless entry. Thieves work in pairs and use an amplifier and receiver. One thief stands by the car with the receiver, the second thief walks around the outside of your house using the amplifier which grabs the signal being emitted from your key and passes it to the first thief's receiver. The receiver stores the signal and tricks the car to thinking the key is in the car. The car opens and can be driven away.
Press article with full video of the crime here: Plus many more if you search.
The device is fully demonstrated in a video shown on NBC. They used it slightly differently, but its the same device:
The result: keeping your fob in your pocket or in the house is now useless, even most metal tins don't work.
It's why I bought one of these... which my keys now live in when I'm not driving. It totally blocks the key's signal, and with the keys in the pouch even when I'm stood directly next to my RRS it can't be opened. Oh and I use a Disklok also. SOLD - MY16 SDV6 Autobiography Dynamic - Fire Engine Red, Fixed contrast pan roof, TV, Dual Screen, 5+2, Privacy, Noble paddles.
Fri Oct 20 2017 2:40pm |