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Milk Float Man

Member Since: 30 Jun 2010
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Manchester Terror Attack

As an ex Mancunian with a big family still in the area I want to offer my thoughts to anyone affected by last nights terrible event and I hope everyone here and their families are safe Bow down

I have some great memories from the Arena but now feel very sad Crying or Very sad

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 Wanted a Series 2 LR since childhood but previously owned MY16 Disco Sport HSE TD4 Auto, MY13 RR Sport Black Edition TDV6 Auto, MY10 RR Sport HSE TDV6 Auto, 2007 Freelander 1 Freestyle TD4 Soft Top, 2009 Freelander 2 GS TD4 Auto, 2007 Freelander 2 GS TD4, 2004 Disco 2 Metropolis Auto, 2002 Disco 2 GS, 2000 Freelander 1 SE TD4 SW

Still hoping for a S2 one day!

Post #526586 Tue May 23 2017 9:55am
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Words cannot describe the anger that I feel, how can anyone plan to kill children.
My thought are with the families of the dead and injured.
We need to deal with these terrorists once and for all before more innocent lives are lost. MY13.5 Autobiography, Santorini Black, Privacy Glass. Gone
Driving a milk float for now.

Post #526600 Tue May 23 2017 12:43pm
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Member Since: 16 Jan 2010
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I am not a Mancunian, but have a lot of family around the Wirral, and have had some great nights out in Manchester. The worst thing is the death toll could rise due to the severity of the injuries.

Targeting kids ??? Big Cry Words fail me at the depravity. Well to be honest I can think of plenty of words to use, but not on this Forum. In Spain - 2018 F Pace - Frightened away from the Sports due to crank failures
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Post #526604 Tue May 23 2017 1:03pm
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The worst hour of my life,I was sat outside waiting for my 14year old daughter and her 2 friends,the bomb went off at the bottom of the stairs they where at the top off.Some idiot was letting fireworks off as well but they thought people where getting shot as they ran through the smoke.

Post #526614 Tue May 23 2017 4:30pm
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Member Since: 01 Dec 2016
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Still can't comprehend what has happened to these poor kids, They are totally innocent and unaware, these cowards need stopping!!

Glad your girl and friends were ok Mrfixit, feel so sad for those who weren't ok. RRS Autobiography SDV6 19
Tesla model 3 long range SOLD!
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Disco 5 HSE Lux SOLD!
Evoque Dynamic Lux. SOLD!
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Post #526617 Tue May 23 2017 5:33pm
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Milk Float Man

Member Since: 30 Jun 2010
Location: East Riding of Yorkshire
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I can only imagine what you went through MrFixit Sad

My kids have tickets and were going to Radio 1 Big Weekend @ Hull this weekend but not now - I'm reimbursing them for the tickets - small price to pay for keeping them safe Wanted a Series 2 LR since childhood but previously owned MY16 Disco Sport HSE TD4 Auto, MY13 RR Sport Black Edition TDV6 Auto, MY10 RR Sport HSE TDV6 Auto, 2007 Freelander 1 Freestyle TD4 Soft Top, 2009 Freelander 2 GS TD4 Auto, 2007 Freelander 2 GS TD4, 2004 Disco 2 Metropolis Auto, 2002 Disco 2 GS, 2000 Freelander 1 SE TD4 SW

Still hoping for a S2 one day!

Post #526618 Tue May 23 2017 5:38pm
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Member Since: 12 Aug 2011
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Muddy, I hate to say this, if people stop doing things because of the fear of a possible attack - and the reality is that it's a remote chance* - then the terrorists have won.

I don't blame you for your reaction, please don't think otherwise, but if we let the bastards make us hide in our homes then we may as well give up now. If your kids are still keen to go then let them, let them go and be happy, don't make them stay away and be sad. It's your job to worry about them, it's not their job to worry whether every other person in a crowd is a baddie. By making them live in fear we play in to the hands of those who want us to be fearful.

*As an idea about relative risks, on average 5 people die on the UK's roads every day, a further 60 or so are seriously injured. By the end of this week, more people will have died on the roads and 5 times as many seriously injured than were killed/injured in the attack. Will you stop using the roads? Will you stop taking your kids places in the car? No, you won't. 2012 SDV6 - it's missing a couple of cylinders
2008 TDV8 - it was a labour of love and is much missed

Post #526625 Tue May 23 2017 7:44pm
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Milk Float Man

Member Since: 30 Jun 2010
Location: East Riding of Yorkshire
Posts: 5637


This thread is not about me - it's about the people who are hurting after last nights cowardly act Sad

All I will say is I get we should carry on regardless or they win - if people are brave to send their own kids to concerts then I respect their decision

We discussed the Manchester attack and my kids decided not to go (to my relief) but we will show our solidarity in other ways

I heard a guy on radio today who's daughter had tickets but they mixed up dates and she wasn't there - when they heard the news he felt very lucky but then guilty for thinking of himself and his family - I understood being a parent

It's all raw now but we will see what happens in the future - my daughter has tickets for Reading

Incidentally my youngest passed his test last month and gets his first car tomorrow and will then driving on his own so thanks for highlighting something else for me to worry about Wink Wanted a Series 2 LR since childhood but previously owned MY16 Disco Sport HSE TD4 Auto, MY13 RR Sport Black Edition TDV6 Auto, MY10 RR Sport HSE TDV6 Auto, 2007 Freelander 1 Freestyle TD4 Soft Top, 2009 Freelander 2 GS TD4 Auto, 2007 Freelander 2 GS TD4, 2004 Disco 2 Metropolis Auto, 2002 Disco 2 GS, 2000 Freelander 1 SE TD4 SW

Still hoping for a S2 one day!

Post #526634 Tue May 23 2017 8:20pm
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Member Since: 12 Aug 2011
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United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Orkney Grey

This thread is not about me - it's about the people who are hurting after last nights cowardly act

It's all part of the same thing though. How we react to it is part of it. It's what we as a society do next that determines whether the attack was a success or not. Nothing can bring back the lives of those killed but we honour their memory more by living freely than by hiding in fear.
We discussed the Manchester attack and my kids decided not to go

Fair enough - it's good that they made the decision rather than you imposing it. Hopefully they'll enjoy the next event. Thumbs Up
Incidentally my youngest passed his test last month and gets his first car tomorrow and will then driving on his own so thanks for highlighting something else for me to worry about Wink

Ha ha, sorry about that! Whistle Rolling with laughter 2012 SDV6 - it's missing a couple of cylinders
2008 TDV8 - it was a labour of love and is much missed

Post #526640 Tue May 23 2017 8:59pm
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Milk Float Man

Member Since: 30 Jun 2010
Location: East Riding of Yorkshire
Posts: 5637


This is why we felt it was too soon

"The UK terror threat level has been raised to the highest level of "critical", meaning further attacks may be imminent, Theresa May has said."

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40023488 Wanted a Series 2 LR since childhood but previously owned MY16 Disco Sport HSE TD4 Auto, MY13 RR Sport Black Edition TDV6 Auto, MY10 RR Sport HSE TDV6 Auto, 2007 Freelander 1 Freestyle TD4 Soft Top, 2009 Freelander 2 GS TD4 Auto, 2007 Freelander 2 GS TD4, 2004 Disco 2 Metropolis Auto, 2002 Disco 2 GS, 2000 Freelander 1 SE TD4 SW

Still hoping for a S2 one day!

Post #526644 Tue May 23 2017 9:06pm
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Member Since: 12 Aug 2011
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That smacks more of HMG being seen to be doing something than anything else. If they think there's a further attack imminent then they presumably have some intel on it. If that's the case then they should be moving on suspects to detain them. Putting out blanket statements and raising threat levels just makes people scared. So, again, the bad guys win. 2012 SDV6 - it's missing a couple of cylinders
2008 TDV8 - it was a labour of love and is much missed

Post #526649 Tue May 23 2017 10:12pm
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Tim in Scotland

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Get out there and enjoy life - the chances of having a road accident are way, way higher than being blown up by a terrorist bomb or being involved in a plane crash. I don't mean to sound callous or uncaring but in 10 years 22 people have died in the UK from terrorism in this country How many have been killed in road accidents and plane crashes? By reacting in a way that spoils your own lifestyle and pleasure plays directly into the terrorists' hands, it is what they want, they want you to be inconvenienced, frightened and scared to go into public places. I noticed that the Manchester Arena was still open and hosted a concert with a very well known pop group last evening yet I have only heard that mentioned once on the media today........... why? 2020 Pangea Green 1st Edition D240 New Defender 110 is here and loving it
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Also in my garage is a 1996 TDi300 Defender 90 County HT made into a fake CSW

Post #526660 Wed May 24 2017 9:16am
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Member Since: 14 May 2016
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Are you sure about that? The adjacent Victoria Station and all roads surrounding the venue are still closed for police investigation work and Take That who were due to perform at the MA on the 26th and 27th have had to postpone for the same reason, it's a crime scene.

Who performed there last night?


It's true however the risk of being killed by terrorism is statistically very small compared to other ways of meeting your fate...
More people have been killed by a cow in the UK over last 10 years. But, and this is a big BUT... I'm not a parent, so I have no idea what goes though someone's mind when trying to protect their children so can't and won't give advice to those in this position. It has to be a personal and family decision, regardless of outside influence or opinion.

Post #526675 Wed May 24 2017 11:35am
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Member Since: 12 Aug 2011
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United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Orkney Grey

Tim in Scotland wrote:
Get out there and enjoy life - the chances of having a road accident are way, way higher than being blown up by a terrorist bomb or being involved in a plane crash. I don't mean to sound callous or uncaring but in 10 years 22 people have died in the UK from terrorism in this country How many have been killed in road accidents and plane crashes?

Case in point: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-40026153

Where's the Twitter-storm of support for the deceased and their families? More will die today or tomorrow, there are people walking around today who will be killed in an accident before the end of the Bank Holiday weekend. 2012 SDV6 - it's missing a couple of cylinders
2008 TDV8 - it was a labour of love and is much missed

Post #526683 Wed May 24 2017 2:21pm
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Member Since: 14 May 2016
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How can the two be compared in terms of raising a response reaction? One is an accident, the other is mass murder.

Last edited by GodivaNige on Wed May 24 2017 2:29pm. Edited 2 times in total

Post #526684 Wed May 24 2017 2:27pm
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