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Member Since: 18 Aug 2006
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All of Tracker's devices use VHF - http://www.tracker.co.uk/for-your-vehicle/car-tracking/

Great systems. Woeful customer service. 

Post #415101 Sat Feb 22 2014 6:32pm
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Member Since: 29 Jan 2013
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Thanks for the link.

Still not that convinced! I would be interested to know the claimed broadcast range of the transmitter and how close you have to be to pick up the signal in difficult situations, such as containers and underground car parks. 2023 P440e SE Dynamic on order -cancelled

2022 HSE Dynamic P400e

2017 Discovery 3.0 HSE Silicon Silver Nimbus interior and a few extra toys SOLD

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2006 HSE

Plus a few other cars inbetween!

Post #415166 Sun Feb 23 2014 8:32am
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Member Since: 15 Mar 2010
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2010 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Santorini Black

Terryrrs wrote:
The problem I have with security devices is that there is always a way round them.

There's always a way round everything, but I would argue its probably better to do something rather than nothing.

Just because a criminal with intent can kick down someones front door doesn't mean home owners shouldn't lock their doors and make life a little harder for the thugs. Current...
Just Landed....MY2014.5 Mariana Black HSE Dynamic with tons of toys
MY2014 Evoque Si4 Dynamic Santorini black with toys galore
2010 Porsche Carrera 2S (997.2) Basalt black with PDK

On Order: Porsche Macan S Diesel...eta March 2015

2010 RRS HSE Santorini black (super reliable and will be missed)
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Post #415197 Sun Feb 23 2014 1:30pm
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Member Since: 15 Mar 2010
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2010 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Santorini Black

jimbg wrote:

Still not that convinced! I would be interested to know the claimed broadcast range of the transmitter and how close you have to be to pick up the signal in difficult situations, such as containers and underground car parks.

I'm having 'Tracker Locate' put in. This has GSM, GPS and VHF built in. (Link below).

As long as my insurers (AXA-Swiftcover) are happy .......I'm happy.

Had a chat with them and they wanted Thatcham Cat 6 minimum which they're going to get with Tracker Locate.

Cat 5 is a big jump in cost and I'm not convinced its worth the extra, particularly given my insurance company has approved Tracker Locate.

http://www.tracker.co.uk/products/tracker-locate/ Current...
Just Landed....MY2014.5 Mariana Black HSE Dynamic with tons of toys
MY2014 Evoque Si4 Dynamic Santorini black with toys galore
2010 Porsche Carrera 2S (997.2) Basalt black with PDK

On Order: Porsche Macan S Diesel...eta March 2015

2010 RRS HSE Santorini black (super reliable and will be missed)
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Post #415198 Sun Feb 23 2014 1:36pm
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Member Since: 31 Jul 2011
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Hi all, up until a few yrs ago I had tracker, locate & monitor fitted onto all my vehicles, going back to when Tracker was first established. The monitor part was introduced later, the idea being that should the vehicle be moved, without the ignition being on, an alert would be sent to Tracker, who would inform me. My vehicles had been locked & secured on the back of recovery vehicles, been locked on various car ferries & the Channel Tunnel tunnel & not once did tracker inform me. This shouldn't have been an installation problem as this happened on at least 7 vehicles. I did contact Tracker about this, but was always fobbed off, & no explanation given. The problem I had with Tracker was a.. you never actually knew if a unit had been installed or was working, as there was no test available unless you paid for it, & b.. the success of the unit was only as good as the tracking monitors, which in the 90's & 2000's was only 3 traffic police vehicles in Norfolk, & they never worked after 2am. Looking on Tracker's website it does appear as though their technology has improved. When I changed to the My14 a couple of weeks ago, my current insurer insisted I had one fitted at my expense, as did Land Rover Ins, which I thought showed how much confidence Land Rover had in their security of the new vehicle. I finally went for an ins. comp. who didn't need a tracker, & saved myself money into the bargain.
just my thoughts

Post #415201 Sun Feb 23 2014 2:08pm
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Member Since: 25 Dec 2013
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I have a question for everyone who would want their car back for instance the car is stolen and the police go in high speed pursuit bearing in mind the oil in your engine is cold the scum that stole it go off road to escape go through a few hedges abandon the car. They have also been so scared they wet themselves and your seats. The insurance company valets your car and hands it back to you. I do understand that sometimes you have no choice but to Have a tracker fitted I had to on my RS4 but this time found a company that did not insist on it.

Post #415206 Sun Feb 23 2014 3:22pm
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Member Since: 15 Mar 2010
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2010 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Santorini Black

Obviously if a car has been thrashed and trashed by scum nobody in their right minds would choose to have it back if they could have a new replacement or payout.

I had my Cossie RS500 stolen in the early 90's and of course it wasn't fitted with a tracker in those days, it was however found by the police two days later after the joy riders dumped it somewhere, virtually undamaged (but probably thrashed).

I chose to push my insurers and got paid out rather than take the car back. And there was no pre-agreement they would do this. Just a case of me pushing the point that various parts would soon need re-building or replacing such as engine, gearbox etc. As far as I can remember I didn't even have to push them that much at all. Current...
Just Landed....MY2014.5 Mariana Black HSE Dynamic with tons of toys
MY2014 Evoque Si4 Dynamic Santorini black with toys galore
2010 Porsche Carrera 2S (997.2) Basalt black with PDK

On Order: Porsche Macan S Diesel...eta March 2015

2010 RRS HSE Santorini black (super reliable and will be missed)
3 x Boring Audi's, Q7, TT, A4 Cab (yawn)

Last edited by Senna on Sun Feb 23 2014 9:58pm. Edited 2 times in total

Post #415241 Sun Feb 23 2014 7:55pm
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Member Since: 15 Mar 2010
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2010 Range Rover Sport SDV6 HSE Santorini Black

pko wrote:
Hi all, up until a few yrs ago I had tracker, locate & monitor fitted onto all my vehicles, going back to when Tracker was first established. The monitor part was introduced later, the idea being that should the vehicle be moved, without the ignition being on, an alert would be sent to Tracker, who would inform me. My vehicles had been locked & secured on the back of recovery vehicles, been locked on various car ferries & the Channel Tunnel tunnel & not once did tracker inform me. This shouldn't have been an installation problem as this happened on at least 7 vehicles. I did contact Tracker about this, but was always fobbed off, & no explanation given. The problem I had with Tracker was a.. you never actually knew if a unit had been installed or was working, as there was no test available unless you paid for it, & b.. the success of the unit was only as good as the tracking monitors, which in the 90's & 2000's was only 3 traffic police vehicles in Norfolk, & they never worked after 2am. Looking on Tracker's website it does appear as though their technology has improved. When I changed to the My14 a couple of weeks ago, my current insurer insisted I had one fitted at my expense, as did Land Rover Ins, which I thought showed how much confidence Land Rover had in their security of the new vehicle. I finally went for an ins. comp. who didn't need a tracker, & saved myself money into the bargain.
just my thoughts

I get your point and have read of various failures with trackers but there are also hundreds of positive story's out there from owners that recovered their cars very quickly and easily.

I have Cobra tracker (with the pain in the butt key fob) and every time I've forgotten the key fob at home I got a call within minutes from them asking if I the car was with me. Probably over a dozen times since I've had the car, they've not failed to pick up on it once. Pretty impressive in my view.

Tracker systems have come a long way since your experience in the 90's-2000's. For instance, with tracker locate and a few others, you can also track the car yourself via its web based application. I think they have an app too. My wife is definitely not getting login info lol Current...
Just Landed....MY2014.5 Mariana Black HSE Dynamic with tons of toys
MY2014 Evoque Si4 Dynamic Santorini black with toys galore
2010 Porsche Carrera 2S (997.2) Basalt black with PDK

On Order: Porsche Macan S Diesel...eta March 2015

2010 RRS HSE Santorini black (super reliable and will be missed)
3 x Boring Audi's, Q7, TT, A4 Cab (yawn)

Post #415245 Sun Feb 23 2014 8:03pm
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Member Since: 25 Dec 2013
Location: Suffolk
Posts: 158

United Kingdom 

Senna you are right. Trackers have improved hugely and there are reasons why you would want your car back or at least what you may have left In the car also of course it may lead to arrests. I did consider a tracker when I bought mine but thought that unless they obtained the keys or carted it off on the back of a truck it could not be started however with keyless entry it seems someone with software can. By the way I would replace the evoque why should your wife have all the fun

Post #415253 Sun Feb 23 2014 8:56pm
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Member Since: 04 Jul 2013
Location: Glasgow
Posts: 16

United Kingdom 

Thumbs Up Same experience of Cobra. Always called if on a ferry or the dealer had disconnected the battery when the car was in. Gave me confidence in their monitoring.

Post #415349 Mon Feb 24 2014 8:10pm
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