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Member Since: 06 Nov 2009
Location: Adelaide
Posts: 21

Australia 2010 Range Rover Sport Supercharged Santorini Black
MY10 Jan build 5.0L S/C checklist needed

Hi all, well after what seems like an eternity, my 2 5.0L S/C's will ready for collection next Thursday.

One for me, one for my business partner.

So I am looking for a list of what needs to be checked before driving away.

Will great to hear from all that have recently collected their recently built cars.

Shaun MY2010 RRS 5.0L S/C - finally has arrived, out with turbo lag, in with the neck breaking V8!!!
Santorini Black, Ebony & Contrast Stitch, Black Grand Lacquer Trims, Sunroof, Tint, Tow-Pack.

"06 D3 TDV6 - now with the wife"
"07 Malibu Responce LXI 340hp - ski boat"
"08 BMW F800GS - adventure bike"
"09 KTM 400EXC - trail bike"

Post #262241 Wed Apr 07 2010 11:33am
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Member Since: 22 Sep 2009
Location: Garage
Posts: 127

United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Sport 3.0 TDV6 HSE Stornoway Grey

I don't have a list but you should ask the dealer for a copy of the PDC (Pre Delivery Check sheet) to ensure everything is signed off (although check the things have actually been done!). I would also recommend taking your time to go through EVERYTHING on the car. This can take 2 hours plus but I learnt the hard way not doing this. At the very minimum I would suggest:

1. Carefully check all paintwork, seals and external fittings

2. Carefully check the wheels and tyres for damage

3. Check seats very carefully for stiching and quality defects

4. Ask the dealer to show you how the car works and go through every system to check its operation - check all terrrain settings can be enagaged, check all suspension heights can be selected, hi-and low range gearbox, switches, lights, sat-nav, entertainment system, stereo, cameras, heaters, etc...

5. Check every extra you ordered has actually been installed - they are missed off! e.g. iPod lead, correct mats

6. Ask the dealer to verify all 'Update Prior to Sale' notices and software updates have been carried out on the car (these are dealer fixes for known issues)

Don't sign any paperwork until you have done all of this - if your dealer is anything like my experiences you will find their interest rapidly wanes as soon as you sign any money across to them. Accept no excuses such as 'we knew about that but its a simple software update - we will take it back in next week and sort it out for you' - it may be very tempting to get your hands on your new toy but when you end up ringing the dealer for the 10th time to 'fix' the 'minor' issue you will regret the decision to accept the car.

There a two things you can do to help with this process:

1. Download the manual from the LR owners website and read it BEFORE you pick the car up. You will then understand how little things like the seat entry feature are supposed to work and you won't be hoodwinked ('that's the way it is supposed to work, sir' or 'that's a feature of the car') by the dealer. These little things are the most annoying to get fixed in my view.

2. If you are technically minded you could get a days access to Land Rover GTR (Global Technical Reference) website used by LR to send messages to the dealers. One days access for one model is £13 here in the UK and you will find all the technical documents relating to the car including the UPS notices and technical bulletins on known issues. I find myself downloading these to take to the dealer to convince them to fix things. Maybe a bit extreme but I found this very helpful.

Please don't let this put you off - I love my MY10 TDV8 (SC will be spectacular) but the best way to avoid the experience being ruined by ongoing frustrations of chasing the dealer is to spend as much time as you need to make sure the car is perfect. LR quality control is not known for its efficiency (or even basic competence in my view!)

Good luck


Last edited by SingeRRS on Thu Apr 08 2010 9:37am. Edited 1 time in total

Post #262267 Wed Apr 07 2010 5:13pm
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Member Since: 06 Nov 2009
Location: Adelaide
Posts: 21

Australia 2010 Range Rover Sport Supercharged Santorini Black

Thanks Singe, great info to get us under control.

The dealer has been great so far and I don't expect to have too many dramas but also want to stamp some authority into the deal before handing over nealry AUD $340K for two cars.

The weird stuff has already begun unfortunately, both cars arrived on the same ship to Oz and landed in Melbourne, cars needed to be transported to Adelaide, one arrived (not mine) the other didn't. 3 weeks later mine still in Melbourne, I am now told they lost the keys, finally its on the way to Pre-delivery. They had new keys programmed and then found the originals, maybe I'll get 4 keys!

Cheers MY2010 RRS 5.0L S/C - finally has arrived, out with turbo lag, in with the neck breaking V8!!!
Santorini Black, Ebony & Contrast Stitch, Black Grand Lacquer Trims, Sunroof, Tint, Tow-Pack.

"06 D3 TDV6 - now with the wife"
"07 Malibu Responce LXI 340hp - ski boat"
"08 BMW F800GS - adventure bike"
"09 KTM 400EXC - trail bike"

Post #262353 Wed Apr 07 2010 11:24pm
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