Member Since: 27 Sep 2008
Location: St. Gallen
Posts: 145
Having just driven through Germany on the Autobahn, I noticed that the Motor-way info on the right side when using the Nav, only notifies about upcoming exits, and their amenities (restaurants, gas, hotel etc.). On my Lexus, which also used the Navteq setup, it notified about all POIs (parking spots, highway stations (even without exits)), and I wonder if I am missing something in the setup to enable the displaying of all these on the RRS as well?
I also noticed that there is no easy way of getting directions to the nearest POIs. I.e. I need to know all the surrounding hotels, and want to go to the nearest one. On the Lexus I could do that easily from the front screen, but I can't figure out how to that on the RRS. Any do not ask me to RTFM - I already did that.
KB RRS TDV8, black with ivory.
Tue Jul 28 2009 7:11am |