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Member Since: 26 May 2005
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Money doesn't grow on trees - or does it ?

Does anyone out there in RRS land understand what money is and where it comes from ? This last week has made me realise that I don't know - but would now quite like to do so.

Take for example the £100,000,000,000 (£100billion) that the Government has just injected into the money market. Where is that from then ? Is this £100 billion they had under the mattress ? Or has it just been "created" from thin air (it didn't even have time to grow on a tree) ?

I think it might literally just have been created. This money is then effectively "rented" to people who want it and the rent is paid in the form of interest. And who sets the level of rent ? Well that's the Bank of England Committee of academics who try to make "rationale" decisions about that.

Indeed all money is really now just figures in cyberspace - much of it never even bits of paper (aka banknotes). Any government can create money, just some do it more than others. Zimbabwe are particularly good at creating money. Indeed they create thousands of billions of Zim dollars a day. The only problem is they make so much of it, it becomes worthless. Is it possible that could happen in the UK ?

I think the theory is that if the government creates too much money it causes inflation. I recall the sound bite of inflation being caused by "too much money chasing too few goods". When inflation really gets hold you soon need wheelbarrows of money to buy a loaf of bread.

And then Bank's create more money. If someone deposits £100 in a Bank, they then lend that same £100 to 10 seperate people. Each of those people think they now have £100, so the total money apparently in circulation goes up to £1,000. This obviously goes wronmg when all the depositers want their £100 back. Q's form outide the Bank and the poor bank manager has to explain he doesn't actually have enough money in stock to give them theirs back.

Where everything goes horribly wrong is when people start doubting whether the "money" they have in their name will actually allow them to buy something to eat. You can after all only exchange money (numbers) for real things (like bread) if the person who gives you the bread thinks that the money you just gave him will allow him to exchange it for flour to make more bread.

What just nearly happened this week was the incredibly scary prospect of people starting to doubt that money was worth anything. If that doubt is allowed to grow, you quickly get to a meltdown in financial systems and people can't exchange goods for money any more. So the rate of exchange of goods massively slows down. Its not long after that that hunger stalks the streets.

So, whats to do ? Firstly I suggest we breath a sigh of relief. Then realise that living in debt is not a bad thing (cos if money loses it's value, the amount you owe also falls). Then realise if you have got some money, its not a bad idea to swap some of it for a few cans of baked beans and store them in a garage, whilst you still can. And by the way, beans grow on something like a tree. If you have lots of money, its not a bad idea to buy something bigger of more permanent value. Land is good, houses aren't bad either. Wood for a fire works too (and that defintely grows on trees). Gold is possibly not bad, but then again, Gold is really just like money - not worth much unless people think it is, as you can't eat it, live in it or keep warm with it.

So, I am off to Costco to buy some beans ..... RRS TDv8 HSE Rimini
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Post #189021 Sat Sep 20 2008 6:50am
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Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Thumbs Up

Post #189022 Sat Sep 20 2008 6:56am
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Steve in germany

Member Since: 15 Nov 2007
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I believe there is some more bad news to come, lets see if the BOE does the same, I think there maybe another "institution" that is holding on by its fingernails and believes that they will get bailed out as well. Speed Limits! not where I live!

Back in a D3

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Did Have: Disco3 HSE

Post #189025 Sat Sep 20 2008 7:26am
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Member Since: 26 May 2006
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an interesting article about why the cash injection (or basically talk about it) wont help


Post #189031 Sat Sep 20 2008 8:04am
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Tim in Scotland

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As an "expert" on the radio said yesterday - no Central Bank can go bust, they just keep printing more money. Sounds like some "experts" still don't remember what happened in the 1920's and 1930's after the stock market crash when a certain Central European country started printing millions of valueless bank notes................... 2020 Pangea Green 1st Edition D240 New Defender 110 is here and loving it
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Post #189041 Sat Sep 20 2008 9:16am
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You even get to watch the vid.


Post #189043 Sat Sep 20 2008 9:21am
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Member Since: 06 Sep 2008
Location: St Paul de Vence/ Praesto (DK)
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France 2008 Range Rover Sport TDV6 HSE Tonga Green

Tim in Scotland wrote:
As an "expert" on the radio said yesterday - no Central Bank can go bust, they just keep printing more money. Sounds like some "experts" still don't remember what happened in the 1920's and 1930's after the stock market crash when a certain Central European country started printing millions of valueless bank notes...................

Don't be that pessimistic Confused .Anyway D-mark isn't existing anymore and J.C TRICHET is sooooo obsessed by the ''inflation risk'' that no such thing could happen nowadays.

Post #189047 Sat Sep 20 2008 11:23am
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Steve in germany

Member Since: 15 Nov 2007
Location: Bad Lippspringe Germany
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Bradford & Bingley.....another one bites the dust........one more to come...... Speed Limits! not where I live!

Back in a D3

Did have: RRS TDV8 2008.5MY
Did have: Q7 3.0TDi S-Line/Tech/Comms pack
Did Have: Disco3 HSE

Post #190000 Mon Sep 29 2008 10:40am
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The quicker it all comes out the quicker we get back to normal Porsche Cayenne S Diesel 66 Plate

Post #190029 Mon Sep 29 2008 11:48am
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