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 Swapping a set of 19" wheels for 20" Stormers

PostThu Jan 14 2010 3:23pm
Forum: General · Replies: 16 · Views: 4593 · Subject: Swapping a set of 19" wheels for 20" Stormers

I collect my TDV 2.7 tomorrow and the dealer is going to after fit a set of 20" silver Series 2010 MY HST wheels which I found on eBay, I went for the silver rather than the diamond poli ...
 Swapping a set of 19" wheels for 20" Stormers

PostTue Jan 12 2010 9:18pm
Forum: General · Replies: 16 · Views: 4593 · Subject: Swapping a set of 19" wheels for 20" Stormers
wow - los bo**ocks de los perros (in case I get censored)
 Swapping a set of 19" wheels for 20" Stormers

PostTue Jan 12 2010 9:06pm
Forum: General · Replies: 16 · Views: 4593 · Subject: Swapping a set of 19" wheels for 20" Stormers
Hi Tim

It's a 2.7 TDV HSE (ex-management car) March 09. I don't know what wheels it has on it at the moment other than they are 19" wheels

Good old ebay has GENUINE HST 20" 2009 / 2010 ...
 Swapping a set of 19" wheels for 20" Stormers

PostTue Jan 12 2010 8:45pm
Forum: General · Replies: 16 · Views: 4593 · Subject: Swapping a set of 19" wheels for 20" Stormers
another question, will 2010 MY 20 INCH 15-SPOKE ALLOYS ‘STYLE 4’ be OK to fit on a 2009 MY car? ebay seems to have several (genuine) sets with Continental tyres - or am I breaking a rule and should st ...
 Swapping a set of 19" wheels for 20" Stormers

PostTue Jan 12 2010 8:38pm
Forum: General · Replies: 16 · Views: 4593 · Subject: Swapping a set of 19" wheels for 20" Stormers
thanks for the tip - yes I like the idea of all terrain or snow tyres! i was told by the main dealer that they would need to adjust tow in/suspension when swapping wheels up or down a size, do you kno ...
 Swapping a set of 19" wheels for 20" Stormers

PostTue Jan 12 2010 8:03pm
Forum: General · Replies: 16 · Views: 4593 · Subject: Swapping a set of 19" wheels for 20" Stormers
I've been following the posts for a whiles and like the banter (mostly) and insights (always)

I have an option to get back into a RR and buy a RRS (Black\Black) with 7,000 miles but it's on 19" ...
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