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 Italiani se ci siete battete un Post...

PostMon May 28 2007 2:10pm
Forum: Europe · Replies: 98 · Views: 95757 · Subject: Italiani se ci siete battete un Post...
si, infatti nella mia alcune sono collegate, altre no...
ciao e grazie
 Italiani se ci siete battete un Post...

PostMon May 28 2007 8:03am
Forum: Europe · Replies: 98 · Views: 95757 · Subject: Italiani se ci siete battete un Post...
ciao RRSmax
circa l'Hybrid TV lo so che al momento non è previsto un kit per l'installazione after market. Io volevo sapere da chi l'ha dov'è posizionato il sintonizzatore. Circa le antenne invece, p ...
 Car PC and touch screen

PostThu May 10 2007 3:08pm
Forum: Technical · Replies: 1 · Views: 1829 · Subject: Car PC and touch screen
Ok, another impossible question...
If I'd like to install a car PC do you think would be possible to use the touch screen not only to see but also to command the pc instead of a mouse or of a keyboar ...
 who has hybrid tv?

PostThu May 10 2007 1:04pm
Forum: Technical · Replies: 2 · Views: 2021 · Subject: who has hybrid tv?
as I suspected.... and those "metal buttons" are they free or with a wire connected?
also, do you know where is the tv tuner? under the seat or in the trunk?
 who has hybrid tv?

PostThu May 10 2007 8:50am
Forum: Technical · Replies: 2 · Views: 2021 · Subject: who has hybrid tv?
the one of you who has hybrid tv could please tell me the position of the tv tune and of the antenna/aerial?
For example on the rear window I see some "metal buttons" wich seems to be ...
 water near passenger foot....

PostMon May 07 2007 9:59am
Forum: Technical · Replies: 12 · Views: 5391 · Subject: water near passenger foot....
I have put my hand behind center console near foot carpet (somethingh like a little triangle of moquette attached to the plastic console). I have found a rubber tube "corrugated" hose ...
 new front grill

PostWed May 02 2007 9:10pm
Forum: Maintenance & Modifications · Replies: 15 · Views: 6330 · Subject: new front grill
I was also wondering about buying the supercharged grill but I think the difference i hardly noticed....
 new front grill

PostWed May 02 2007 3:39pm
Forum: Maintenance & Modifications · Replies: 15 · Views: 6330 · Subject: new front grill
nice! I'd like a simple one also without the bar in the middle... very very simple.
but I know in this world everything is simple is expansive!!!
 new front grill

PostWed May 02 2007 1:47pm
Forum: Maintenance & Modifications · Replies: 15 · Views: 6330 · Subject: new front grill
ops, thank you!
sorry, few problems with my monitor..
 new front grill

PostWed May 02 2007 1:40pm
Forum: Maintenance & Modifications · Replies: 15 · Views: 6330 · Subject: new front grill
thank you,
where can I find an immage of this?
 new front grill

PostWed May 02 2007 10:47am
Forum: Maintenance & Modifications · Replies: 15 · Views: 6330 · Subject: new front grill
Hi to all,
anyone of you can tell me where I can find a new front grill? something more aggressive then the original one?
 water near passenger foot....

PostWed May 02 2007 10:41am
Forum: Technical · Replies: 12 · Views: 5391 · Subject: water near passenger foot....
ok, next time I'll let her stay on the seat instead of on the footwell Laughing
 water near passenger foot....

PostWed May 02 2007 8:50am
Forum: Technical · Replies: 12 · Views: 5391 · Subject: water near passenger foot....
thank you
I don't belive her too Cool
What have I got to do now? (sorry I do not understand exactely what you mean with "adrift")
 water near passenger foot....

PostWed May 02 2007 8:40am
Forum: Technical · Replies: 12 · Views: 5391 · Subject: water near passenger foot....
yesterday I found the carpet of the passenger seat completly full of water...
Someone can help me telling me from where is it arriving?
My girlfriend says no water was dropped there..... what the he ...
 Italiani se ci siete battete un Post...

PostFri Apr 27 2007 7:46am
Forum: Europe · Replies: 98 · Views: 95757 · Subject: Italiani se ci siete battete un Post...
si è incredibile, prima avevo una S6 su cui avevo installato completamente ex novo il navigatore originale e avevo trovato istruzionmi e pezzi in un attimo.... della range rover ancora ancora perchè s ...
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